


The 普遍同意 gives you the opportunity to let us know if you want to share leftover biological samples from your 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 lab tests or treatments to support research. 你可以选择加入还是退出.

如果你选择加入, you will be helping us find answers that could improve care for a wide range of health conditions. 所有皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的病人都被要求完成 生物样本的普遍同意 让皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校知道如何处理剩余的研究样本.

Participation is easy, free, and safe as a confidential, one-time process. 


  • 如果可能的话,花点时间 填写《皇冠hga025》 online (只适用于成人病人) in your preferred language: English, Spanish, Farsi, Mandarin, Korean or Arabic. You will need your 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 medical record number (MRN) to get started and the entire process takes about 8 minutes. 
  • 你也可以了解其他 完成普遍同意的方法.
    • Pediatric patients and their parents/legal guardians may only complete the 普遍同意 in-person at certain 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 locations. Click here 查看参与的儿科医院列表.

What 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校生物样本通用同意涵盖了吗?

The 生物样本的普遍同意 asks that you answer up to three consent questions. You may indicate that you either consent or decline to participate for each question:

  • Can we make your biological samples and associated information available for research? 生物样本包括血液, urine, 以及医学测试留下的组织(如皮肤), 以及其他必要的临床程序. 通常这些样品会被扔掉. 如果你拒绝,我们不会用它们做研究. 如果你同意, we also collect certain details from your medical record but DO NOT use your name or other identifiers. 同样的同意问题, you also have the option to agree to give an extra tube of blood for research during a future clinical blood draw or IV placement. There is no risk to you — you would already be having your blood drawn as part of a standard, 预约的临床访问.
  • 你想知道其他的研究机会吗? 我们可能会发现你可以帮助医学研究的其他方法. These opportunities won’t necessarily be related to your samples. If you consent to be contacted, we may reach out with a call, text message or email.
  • 你想要获得某些可操作的基因结果吗? The 精密健康研究所 ATLAS Genetic Screening Program analyzes the DNA of the biological samples they receive through the 普遍同意. During research, these results remain connected to the samples but never reveal your identity. DNA analysis may identify genetic changes that can lead to disease and that you can possibly do something about. You can choose to learn about these genetic changes by consenting to the Return of Genetic Results consent option. 如果你同意 and there is an actionable genetic result found from the use of your samples, 遗传咨询师会联系你提供更多信息. If you would like to learn more about the program, you can review the Institute for Precision Health Return of Results 常见问题.


If you’re still trying to decide whether to participate, consider these points:

  • 你可以有所作为: The future of medicine depends on building large and diverse research collections of biological samples and health information. 如果你选择加入, you will be helping researchers better understand a range of diseases and develop new tests and treatments. 我们正在为我们的 ATLAS皇冠hga020电脑版卫生倡议.
  • 你们的医疗保健不会改变不管你是否参加, your decision won’t affect your relationship with 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 or the services you receive. The only potential impact to you is the possibility of receiving certain genetic results that could affect your health but only if you choose to receive these results.
  • 参与是安全可靠的: All research samples are sent to the Biobank, a secure facility at UCLA. 研究人员无法获得您的个人信息. Your samples never include your name or other information that could identify you. 相反,为了研究目的,样本被分配了一个数字. Only UCLA-approved researchers will be able to use the samples or associated health information for their studies.


We have translated the universal consent video into the following languages to ensure that all eligible patients understand the purpose of the consent: SpanishFarsiArabic普通话, and Korean.  Your DNA may be the key to unlocking answers and breakthroughs for you and other patients like you.

Arabic (العربية)

Arabic (العربية) FAQ

Farsi (فارسی)

Farsi (فارسی) FAQ


Spanish (Español) FAQ


普通话(普通话) FAQ

Korean (한국어)

Korean (한국어) FAQ

适用于7-11岁的儿科患者, we have created an informational video to provide them with the purpose of the 普遍同意 in a way they can understand. 家长/法定监护人也可以观看!



儿科, 西班牙语(西班牙语)

Spanish (西班牙语)常见问题解答


Patients over the age of 18 years can complete the 普遍同意 in English, 西班牙语阿拉伯语, Farsi, 普通话, 用我们的语言或韩语 自愿的方法.

Adult patients can decide to give UCLA permission to collect leftover biological samples, 多一管血或唾液, 或者他们可能会拒绝. If you, 作为一名成年患者, decide to give UCLA permission use your leftover biological samples for research but you later change your mind, 你可以联系皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校生物银行 310-825-4136 通过电话选择退出. 


Patients under the age of 18 years and their parents/legal guardians can complete the 普遍同意 in English and Spanish only at select 参与的位置 使用提供的iPad.

  • 7岁以下患者:

Parents/Legal Guardians will watch the adult informed consent video and provide their consent choice on behalf of the patient

  • 7-11岁患者:

Patient will watch an informational video about the 普遍同意, parents/legal guardians will watch the adult informed consent video and provide their consent choice on behalf of the patient

  • 12-17岁患者:

Patient and parents/legal guardians will watch the adult informed consent video and each will provide their consent choice. 请注意, patient and parent/legal guardian consent choices must match to move forward in the process.


如果您还有其他问题,请查看我们的 常见问题. 你也可以联系皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的普遍同意团队 (电子邮件保护) or 310-794-0981.
