
我们的血管外科医生使用最先进的技术, research-backed treatments for all types of blood vessel problems outside the heart. 我们使用微创或非侵入性技术, 允许以最小的停机时间更快地恢复.

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of the human heart and vascular system


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 vascular and endovascular surgeons offer specialized treatment for conditions affecting any artery or vein outside your heart. 作为一个大容量的中心,我们每天要接待100多名病人. You receive all the diagnostic, imaging and treatment services you need in one convenient location.


停机时间最短的高级处理: 我们使用无创或微创技术进行几乎所有的治疗. This means we use only local anesthesia, allowing you to return home the same day. Many of these techniques use incisions that are so small they don’t require a stitch.

专业的专家: 我们的血管外科医生擅长特定的诊断和技术. This subspecialization means you receive treatment from a physician who is an expert in your condition. The technologists who perform diagnostic imaging also have specialized training in blood vessel studies, 确保你得到准确的诊断.

团队服务: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 vascular surgeons work with multiple experts throughout our network to ensure you receive targeted and effective treatment. In our Wound Care Center, we collaborate with multiple specialists, including podiatrists, 整形外科医生 还有擅长伤口护理的医生.

研究护理: 我们的医生参与并领导广泛的临床试验. 参与研究意味着您将接受最新的治疗方法, 包括参加临床试验, 在适当的时候. Our physicians have also been involved in establishing new and groundbreaking treatments, 其中许多现在在全国范围内使用.

特殊的结果: 我们为我们的优异成绩感到自豪. The Division of 血管和血管内外科 is part of the Vascular Quality Initiative, 一个全国性的数据库,我们用它来对比当地的结果, 地区和国家标准. 我们始终如一地达到并超过这些地方和国家标准.

罕见病的治疗: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 doctors formed the Vascular Low-Frequency Disease Consortium to collaborate with other vascular surgeons across the nation and the world. We bring all our data and expertise together to learn more about the most effective therapies for rare vascular diseases. If you have a rare vascular condition, you receive up-to-date, advanced care at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


The Division of 血管和血管内外科 offers multiple specialized services. 我们的护理领域包括:


我们的门诊评估诊所允许我们咨询新患者, 诊断病情并提供后续护理. 当你第一次赴约的时候, 我们会安排你当天去血管实验室检查. This ensures efficient diagnoses, while reducing the need to travel for multiple visits.


The vascular laboratory is located in the same building as the evaluation clinic for ease of access and convenience. 在这里, our specialized technologists offer comprehensive blood vessel studies to evaluate arteries and veins. These noninvasive tests help us diagnose blood vessel problems quickly and accurately.


我们在这个科室进行范围广泛的门诊手术. 每次手术都要局部麻醉, 所以你可以当天回家,几乎没有停机时间. 我们的专家提供广泛的导管治疗, 包括血管造影, 消融和支架置入.


The UCLA Gonda Venous Center provides comprehensive care for venous insufficiency, 一种影响腿部和心脏之间血液流动的疾病. We offer an array of minimally invasive and noninvasive treatments to improve blood flow. The majority of procedures are done on an outpatient basis, meaning you can return home the same day.   


我们与多位专家合作,治疗伤口不愈合的患者. You may receive care from a vascular surgeon, podiatrist, plastic surgeon or wound care physician. 这种以团队为基础的方法确保您从专家那里得到正确的治疗.


We offer hyperbaric therapy for complex vascular problems that haven’t been resolved with other treatments. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing in 100% oxygen in a special pressurized chamber. 这种疗法可以通过增加血液中的氧气来加速愈合. 对于严重无法愈合的伤口来说,这可能是一种合适的治疗方法, 比如糖尿病患者的足部溃疡. 了解更多关于高压氧药物的知识.


血管和血管内外科医生治疗各种各样的疾病. 我们提供非侵入性服务, minimally invasive and open surgical treatments for blood vessel problems outside of the heart.


动脉瘤: 动脉的弱点,可以向外变成一个凸起或气球. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can cause severe artery damage and life-threatening bleeding.  

动脉阻塞: 动脉血流受限, 通常是由于斑块积聚和动脉狭窄(动脉粥样硬化)

颈动脉疾病: 当斑块在颈动脉中积聚时发生的一种情况, 颈部的血管将血液输送到脑部

外周动脉疾病: 斑块形成时发生的一种情况, 导致输送血液到腿部的血管动脉狭窄 

胸廓出口综合征: A group of disorders characterized by compressed nerves or blood vessels in the thoracic outlet, 第一肋骨和锁骨(锁骨)之间的空隙

血管畸形: Irregularities in the blood vessels that are usually present at birth (congenital), including:

  • 动静脉瘘管: 动脉和静脉之间的非典型连接
  • 动静脉畸形: 脑内动脉和静脉之间的不规则连接
  • 静脉畸形: 静脉不规则扩张或缠结

静脉功能不全: 腿部静脉瓣膜不能正常工作的一种情况


我们的许多治疗技术都是非侵入性或微创性的. 我们使用了许多血管内技术, 其中包括通过小型药物提供治疗, 插入血管的中空管(导管).

Our surgeons offer a wide range of procedures to treat vascular problems, including:

消融: 我们可以使用消融术来治疗静脉功能不全. The surgeon places a catheter through a blood vessel and guides it to the affected vein. 然后他们发送热量或射频能量来关闭静脉. 血液在封闭的静脉周围重新流动.

Atherectomy: This procedure removes plaque buildup to restore blood flow through a blocked artery. 我们插入一个带旋转刀片的导管来清除多余的斑块. 我们可以使用动脉粥样硬化切除术来治疗外周动脉疾病. 

球囊和支架术(血管成形术): This treatment restores blood flow through blocked arteries and is often an option for carotid artery disease or peripheral artery disease. The surgeon sends a catheter with a small, deflated balloon to the blocked artery. 导管就位后, the surgeon inflates the balloon to push plaque away and clear a path for blood to flow. They may also place a hollow metal tube called a stent to help keep the artery open.

栓塞: 栓塞是另一种关闭静脉的技术. The surgeon inserts a catheter through a blood vessel and guides it to the affected vein. 他们通过导管注入一种特殊的胶水或泡沫来关闭静脉. 我们可以使用栓塞治疗静脉功能不全或血管畸形. 

血液透析或化疗通道: 我们的一些外科医生擅长血管通路技术. 这些包括放置化疗端口——很小, flexible tubes placed in a vein to allow chemotherapy medications to be delivered without a needle prick. 我们还专注于血液透析准入. 血液透析通过清除多余的毒素来治疗肾衰竭, 血液中的液体和废物. Hemodialysis access may involve connecting an artery and vein in your arm or placing a catheter in a large vein to allow blood to flow through a hemodialysis machine.

静脉切除术: 血管外科医生可能使用静脉切除术来治疗静脉曲张, 随着静脉功能不全而出现的静脉肿胀. The surgeon makes a tiny incision in the skin and uses a hook-like tool to remove the varicose vein. 这些切口非常小,通常不需要缝合.

硬化疗法: We may use sclerotherapy to treat venous insufficiency, varicose veins or vascular malformations. The surgeon inserts a catheter through a blood vessel and guides it to the affected vein. 他们把一种特殊的溶液直接送入静脉, 是什么导致静脉关闭并最终塌陷. The collapsed vein is reabsorbed by the body and blood reroutes through other nearby blood vessels.


我们的血管和血管内手术团队由临床领导组成, 亚专业专家和活跃的研究者. We use the latest, most effective treatment options to offer you optimal surgical results.


呼叫 310-825-2631 要求预约UCLA健康中心的血管外科医生.


您可以在一个方便的地点接受血管疾病的全面护理. 呼叫 310-825-2631 了解更多有关血管及血管内手术的服务.