
具有儿科胃肠病学的专业知识, 我们的专家在有效护理方面处于全国领先地位. 我们帮助所有年龄段的婴儿和儿童, 提供诊断, management, 胃肠道(GI)和营养紊乱的治疗和支持.



作为儿科胃肠病学,肝病学分部的一部分 & Nutrition at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital, our team works together to deliver world-class care. 我们课程的亮点包括:

公认的专业技能: Our program is consistently ranked among the top pediatric gastroenterology programs in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Experienced UCLA Health GI specialists are nationally and internationally recognized for their expertise in celiac disease, 炎症性肠病(IBD)等.

Multispecialty团队儿科胃肠病学家, surgeons, 注册营养师, 社会工作者和心理学家 come together to care for children with IBD and other conditions. 专注于优化整体健康, 我们帮助孩子们追求积极, 健康的生活方式,同时控制胃肠道疾病. We also offer a transition-of-care program to help older pediatric patients move seamlessly into the care of adult gastroenterology specialists.

器官移植的引领者: If your child needs a transplant, you can trust UCLA Health to deliver the highest level of care. UCLA Health was among the first centers in the nation to establish a program of intestinal transplantation. 我们的是最大的之一, 全国最有经验的儿科移植项目. 了解更多关于儿童肠道移植的知识.

研究和临床试验:继续使治疗更有效, 我们提供多种研究来治疗IBD, 克罗恩氏病, 溃疡性结肠炎, 肠衰竭等等. 符合条件的儿童有机会参加临床试验,以评估新的药物和疗法. We focus on exploring the next generation of treatments so we can help children feel better and live healthier.


Our highly skilled experts provide specialized care in several important areas that can make a difference to the health of your child. 这种专注使我们能够提供精确的诊断和有针对性的治疗. We offer:


UCLA Health experts come together to care for children with celiac disease and eosinophilic esophagitis. 自身免疫性疾病, eosinophilic esophagitis causes white blood cells to build up in the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach). It can cause health issues and lead to feeding problems, which can affect a child’s growth.

乳糜泻 is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and damage in the small intestine. 这种炎症是由食用麸质(小麦、黑麦和大麦的蛋白质碎片)引起的。.

Our pediatric gastroenterologists and 过敏与免疫学 specialists combine years of experience and expertise to diagnose and treat these digestive disorders. 我们评估营养因素, 免疫系统和肠道微生物群(生活在消化道中的有机体).

We offer comprehensive management and treatment, tailoring therapy specifically for each child. Registered dietitians work closely with patients and their families to provide dietary education, 营养咨询和支持.


我们的团队为运动障碍提供专家治疗, 影响食物和液体通过胃肠道的方式. To evaluate, 诊断和管理这些疾病, 我们使用最先进的技术和测试, including:

肛肠生物反馈疗法: This therapy uses sensors and a computer to help children with chronic constipation and other motility disorders. The sensors evaluate muscle activity in the anus and help children gain more control over muscles that help with defecation.

纤维内镜下吞咽评估: We use a thin, flexible camera to look in your child’s throat and evaluate swallowing function.

胃排空研究:你的孩子随食物一起吞下了安全的放射性示踪剂. 扫描仪每隔一小时给它们的消化道拍照,持续四个小时. 这些图像向我们展示了食物是如何在体内运动的.

Manometry高分辨率压力测量测试使用带有压力传感器的薄而柔软的导管. 该导管会检查孩子的食道、直肠或消化道的其他部位.

食管酸碱度钢丝试验:使用中空管(导管), this test measures the amount of acid reflux that moves from the stomach into the esophagus.

无线pH值测试(Bravo™)放置在食道内的无线胶囊在96小时内测量胃酸反流. 几天后,胶囊自然离开您的孩子的身体.


作为儿科IBD有效治疗的领导者, 我们的团队是唯一有资格帮助患有这种慢性疾病的所有年龄段的儿童. We work as a multispecialty team to address every aspect of your child’s health and well-being.

对于IBD,早期治疗可以帮助您的孩子避免并发症和手术. 我们使用先进的成像技术, 如磁共振(MR)肠造影, 这就提供了小肠和结肠的详细图片. 使用这些图像,我们评估IBD,计划治疗并监测它们的工作情况. 我们的目标是提供及时的诊断,以便我们能够尽快提供治疗.

除了药物和其他IBD治疗, 你的孩子接受咨询, 由受过专门训练的心理学家和社会工作者提供营养指导和支持. 随着您的孩子长大,我们将帮助您的整个家庭过渡到成人胃肠道护理.


UCLA Health specialists come together to treat all types of aerodigestive disorders using a team approach. 这些情况会影响呼吸、吞咽和消化. 因为这些情况会同时导致身体的几个部位出现问题, 他们需要高水平的协调护理.

在空气消化诊所, 我们的团队包括胃肠病学专家, 过敏与免疫学, 肺科和耳鼻喉科(耳), 鼻子和喉咙). 我们与注册营养师合作, 社会工作者和语言治疗师帮助患有这些复杂障碍的儿童.


Our pediatric gastroenterology team helps children with conditions such as short bowel syndrome, 当出生时肠道部分缺失时会发生什么. We also specialize in treating children with motility disorders (problems with how food moves through the GI tract) and other diseases and conditions that affect the intestines. 这些疾病会导致肠道衰竭.

Children with intestinal failure benefit from our high level of expertise in pediatric intestinal rehabilitation. 这种类型的康复, 这可能包括饮食的改变, 药物或手术, 帮助肠道吸收孩子所需的营养. Over time, 肠道康复可以减少孩子对肠道外营养的需求, 或TPN(通过静脉输送的营养). 它还可以帮助他们避免肠道移植.

如果你的孩子确实需要肠道移植,他们会得到专家的帮助. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们的肠道康复项目是世界上最大的项目之一. We were one of the first centers to establish this type of program and have expertise performing complex transplant procedures.


我们富有同情心的团队了解GI问题会在许多方面影响儿童. 有些孩子情绪化, developmental and behavioral challenges in addition to health concerns and dietary restrictions. 我们来这里就是为了解决这些问题, and we’re committed to working with your family to enhance your child’s overall well-being.

我们的多专业方法包括社会工作者和心理学家的无缝护理. 我们帮助儿童和家庭应对胃肠道症状, 管理日常用药,并制定计划,以最大限度地提高他们的健康.

Registered dietitians work with children and families to create customized nutrition plans while offering guidance about lifestyle changes that can improve symptoms. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康营养支持诊所, we provide comprehensive evaluation and delivery of TPN to children with complex nutritional needs.


Our pediatric gastroenterology team at UCLA Health is highly skilled at treating even the most complex GI conditions. We help children manage disorders that result from congenital abnormalities, disease and trauma. 我们治疗的一些最常见的情况包括:

乳糜泻: This autoimmune disorder causes inflammation and damage in the small intestine after eating gluten (fragments of protein from wheat, 大麦和黑麦).

嗜酸性食管炎这种情况由免疫系统对过敏原的反应引起. 过敏原是一种物质,如食物,引发过敏反应. 嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎引起食管中白细胞的积聚. 随着白细胞的聚集, 它们会引起炎症和食道狭窄, 导致吞咽困难和其他问题.

食物过敏和食物敏感几种类型的食物过敏和敏感, 包括麸质不耐症和食物蛋白质不耐症(或牛奶不耐症), 会引起一系列的胃肠道问题吗. 我们还帮助患有食物蛋白性小肠结肠炎综合征(FPIES)的儿童, 一种通常影响婴儿和幼儿的食物过敏.

炎症性肠病(IBD): The main types of IBD are 溃疡性结肠炎 (when ulcers develop in the large intestine) and 克罗恩氏病 (which causes inflammation in the digestive tract). IBD会引起肠道疼痛和炎症.

运动性疾病这些疾病影响食物和液体如何通过胃肠道. 有几种类型的运动障碍, 包括胃酸回流, 吞咽问题(吞咽困难), 慢性便秘和大便失禁(对排便缺乏控制).

短肠综合征(短肠综合征): When part of the intestine is missing at birth, children can’t absorb enough fluids and nutrients. 这种疾病会导致肠道衰竭.


Our pediatric gastroenterologists deliver individualized treatments and comprehensive support. We apply our vast knowledge and experience treating GI disorders in children to help your child feel better for a lifetime. 我们的专家为您量身定制每个治疗方案, 通过特殊的治疗和支持来满足他们的独特需求.

您的孩子的护理团队可能会建议药物治疗,饮食改变或手术. 除了医疗之外, 我们的团队提供情感支持, 咨询和一系列治疗方案. Your child receives customized care, and we work with you to adjust treatments as they grow up.

如果你的孩子需要肠道移植,你可以信任皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心. Our pediatric surgeons lead the nation in successful procedures using the most advanced techniques. 我们会在你手术前,手术中,手术后为你的孩子提供赡养费.


我们的专业团队包括儿科胃肠病学专家, surgeons, 注册营养师, 社会工作者和心理学家, 他们都有照顾儿童的专门知识. 我们与多个皇冠hga025的专家合作,提供定制的护理.

Contact us

Call 310-825-0867 联系皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的儿科胃肠病学家.


Your child receives well-rounded care and effective treatments from a team of dedicated GI experts. Call 310-825-0867 与我们联系.

美国皇冠hga025最佳儿童医院2023-24 -胃肠病学和胃肠外科