
Our reproductive geneticists offer prenatal screening, genetic testing and counseling for couples and fetuses with medical genetic concerns. We provide you with 指导和支持 so you can make informed decisions.

Cells 3D illustration, early stage embryo scientific concept Stem cell research

Why choose the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 生殖遗传学 Program?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康生殖遗传学家帮助未来的父母评估遗传给孩子的风险. 怀孕期间, 我们利用先进的诊断方法来识别导致先天性异常(出生缺陷)和一系列医疗条件的遗传疾病. Whether you want to start a family or you’re already pregnant, you can rely on 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to offer vital information, 指导和支持.


Multispecialty团队: You and your baby receive expert care from a dedicated team of specialists. 医学遗传学家, 解剖和分子病理学家和产前成像专家与母胎医学专家一起提供最合适的诊断. 我们与心脏病专家密切合作, 新生儿专家和儿科外科医生确保协调护理,同时支持您和您的家人. 此外,我们还为受遗传疾病影响的妇女提供广泛的服务.

富有同情心的咨询服务: 我们知识渊博的团队为有个人或家族遗传疾病史的人提供孕前遗传咨询. We also work with expecting parents whose baby has received a diagnosis before birth. 我们的目标是回答你的问题, discuss treatment options and offer you information and guidance.

领先的诊断: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康是众所周知的开拓复杂的测试程序的遗传疾病. We use groundbreaking technology to care for our patients. 利用这些信息,我们与您合作,为您和您的宝宝确定最佳计划. 通过及早诊断病情,我们能够根据您的需求制定最佳护理计划.

分娩当日专家护理: You can trust 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to provide outstanding care to you and your baby before, 交货期间和交货后. If your newborn needs a higher level of care, our neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are ranked among the top in the nation. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康胎儿护理中心, pediatric specialists can deliver treatment right after a baby is born. We’re prepared to treat even the most complex conditions quickly and efficiently. Learn more about the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Fetal Care Center.

先进的专业知识: If you have a baby with a genetic disorder, you’ll have the resources and support of a top medical center behind you. 我们的团队与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的遗传学专家密切合作,帮助新诊断的儿童及其家庭管理一系列疾病. 在宝宝成长的过程中,我们会陪伴在您身边,提供治疗、支持和全面的护理. Learn more about 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric genetics.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康生殖遗传学家在您的旅程中提供信息和指导. 我们作为一个团队,在每一步为您提供富有同情心的关怀和专家建议, from pre-pregnancy consultations to postpartum support. 我们的团队擅长:


If you’re pregnant or planning to have a baby, we meet with you to review your health and your family’s medical history. If you or your partner has a known genetic disorder, we help you assess the risk of passing the disorder to your child. 我们与您一起确定基因筛选和测试程序,以指导您的生育决策.

You may benefit from genetic counseling if you:

  • 35岁或以上
  • Are seeking information about genetic testing options
  • Have a genetic disorder or a family history of a genetic condition
  • Have experienced multiple miscarriages
  • 处理过不孕症
  • Received abnormal results from a prenatal ultrasound or blood test
  • Were exposed to certain medications or had certain infections during pregnancy


The goal of genetic screening is to identify potential issues during pregnancy. 这些筛查表明婴儿出生时是否有遗传疾病或先天性异常的风险增加. 放映包括:

载体筛选: This DNA test tells parents if they carry a gene that can cause a congenital disorder. The test can be performed before or during pregnancy.

Cell-free DNA screening (also called noninvasive prenatal testing or NIPT): 这种血液检查(仅使用母亲的血液)评估婴儿染色体异常的可能性, 尤其是唐氏综合症.

First trimester blood test and nuchal translucency ultrasound: A combination of a blood test and ultrasound, 这个测试表明你是否有更高的机会生下患有唐氏综合症或其他遗传疾病的孩子.

多重标记筛选(MMS): The MMS includes several tests using blood from the mother. 这些检查特别能发现神经管缺陷和其他一些先天性异常的迹象.

顺序筛选: This procedure involves two blood tests and an ultrasound. 它评估神经管缺陷(如脊柱裂)和某些遗传异常的风险.


These tests allow your doctor to diagnose some conditions in an unborn baby. 你的医生可能会建议:

羊膜穿刺术: 在这个过程中,你的医生用针从子宫中取出羊水. A lab examines the fluid to check for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders.

绒毛膜绒毛取样: 你的医生会取一小块正在发育的胎盘,它附着在子宫壁上. CVS diagnoses chromosome problems, genetic disorders and some congenital abnormalities.

胎儿超声心动图: 这张未出生婴儿心脏的详细超声图显示了心脏的发育情况以及它是否正常工作.

妊娠中期解剖超声: 这种成像研究检查婴儿解剖结构的异常,并能识别某些先天性问题.

脐带取样: 医生从婴儿的脐带中取出血液,并检测血液中的染色体异常.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们使用突破性的技术来评估婴儿的DNA,这样我们就可以以无与伦比的精确度诊断出各种各样的疾病. 基因是由DNA构成的,而DNA是构成每一个生物体的基本分子. Genetic disorders happen when there is a change (mutation) in one or more genes. This change can be passed down in families or occur suddenly in the womb. 我们的团队可以帮助确定导致异常的确切基因变化, 紊乱或疾病.

我们用这些细节来给准父母提供关于他们未出生的孩子的信息,这样他们就可以选择适合他们的道路. 孩子出生后, 基因检测的结果为父母提供了重要的信息,帮助他们更好地控制孩子的健康. An early and accurate diagnosis allows us to deliver effective care, life-changing therapies and a personalized care plan.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we know it can be overwhelming to receive a diagnosis, 做出艰难的医疗决定或照顾有潜在特殊医疗需求的孩子. That’s why our services include a wide range of counseling and therapy. We meet you where you are with customized support.

We offer tailored educational services, 新妈妈支持小组和多种资源旨在鼓励你和你的家人. 你将有机会获得你需要的工具来照顾你的宝宝,同时关注你自己的情感和身体健康.

我们的团队与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康新生儿科和其他专家合作,为您和您的家人提供您应得的护理. Whether your little one needs help transitioning out of the NICU, 手术, meeting developmental milestones or receiving care from specialists across 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, 我们的团队为你而来. Learn more about 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 新生儿学 and developmental biology.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康遗传学专家在诊断和评估先天性问题(出生时出现的状况)方面拥有无与伦比的专业知识。. Using advanced testing and technology, we specialize in:

遗传病: These include disorders such as Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia and other abnormalities caused by genetic changes (mutations). 它们可以影响身体的任何部位. These conditions can range from mild to life-threatening.

Conditions affecting a baby’s organs: Prenatal testing can uncover a wide spectrum of heart conditions, 肺部疾病(包括囊性纤维化)和婴儿消化道形成的问题.

先天性异常: 有时被称为出生缺陷,先天性异常几乎可以影响身体的任何部位. 包括肢体差异, 唇腭裂, and clubfoot (a twisted or misshapen foot).

神经管缺损: 当婴儿的脊柱和脊髓在子宫内没有正常发育时,就会发生这些先天性异常. Spina bifida is the most common type of neural tube defect.


Our experienced team includes medical geneticists, 母胎医学专家以及研究DNA的实验室细胞遗传学家和分子遗传学家, 运行和解释诊断测试,并将这些结果传达给医疗团队. We work closely with experts in reproductive endocrinology, 新生儿学, cardiology and pediatric 手术 to deliver excellent care to you and your baby.

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呼叫 310-794-7274 to connect with the reproductive genetic specialists and team.


You receive advanced diagnostics, vital answers and counseling from an expert team. 呼叫 310-794-7274 to connect with our reproductive genetic experts.