创伤 & 神经危重症护理

Our neurotrauma surgeons offer state-of-the-art surgical treatments for brain and spinal cord injuries. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 neurosurgeons consistently rank among the best in the nation.



我们的重症监护和创伤神经外科医生提供先进的, 脑和脊髓损伤的救生护理. 我们一直名列前茅 神经外科 全国的项目. U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 lists our 神经外科 program as 8th in the country and the highest-ranked in Los Angeles.


国家认可的临床医生: 我们的神经外科医生在他们的领域是全国公认的领导者. Several of our doctors consistently are ranked among the “Best Doctors in America” by the American Health Council. Many of our researchers and scientists are recognized leaders in clinical neuroscience and neurobiology.

优化的恢复: After surgery, we offer multiple resources to help optimize your recovery. Our state-of-the-art 24-bed neuro intensive care unit (ICU) is led by a neurointensivist, 还有神经外科,神经内科住院医生和主治医生. 神经内科护士的精英团队, 呼吸技术专家, electroencephalography (EEG) technologists and nurse managers provide minute-to-minute care. 我们通过我们的 康复服务 或者丹尼尔·弗里曼康复医院.

先进的服务: 我们使用最先进的神经成像技术, 包括大脑监测技术, 在我们的神经重症监护室. Our specialized neuroendovascular suites allow us to provide the latest complex treatments.

综合亚专科护理: 我们与以下领域的分专家密切合作 神经学、重症监护等领域. 这种团队合作方式使我们能够提供有针对性的服务, 创伤性脑损伤和疾病的综合护理.


Our neurotrauma surgeons work within multiple programs and centers throughout 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, 包括: 


我们为所有类型的脑损伤患者提供重症监护, 包括中风和脊髓损伤. Patients in the neuro ICU receive comprehensive care from a multispecialty team led by neurocritical care physicians. Our team of elite specialists uses advanced monitoring tools to provide minute-to-minute, 高质量的护理.

Edie Baskin Bronson和Richard Skip Bronson CBF实验室

The cerebral blood flow (CBF) laboratory is a diagnostic facility at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. 我们使用先进的工具来评估脑部的血流量, 诊断诸如动脉瘤之类的疾病, narrowed arteries or irregular blood vessel clusters (arteriovenous malformations). 我们使用的设备是便携式的, 使我们能够在重症监护室的床边提供这些服务, 急诊室或手术室.


The specialists in our 神经危重症护理计划 provide comprehensive care to patients with life-threatening neurologic illness. We are a Level 1 traumatic brain injury center with a team of critical care physicians who are available 24/7.


通过这个专业诊所, 我们对待, 研究并提高对创伤性脑损伤的认识. 我们的专家治疗脑震荡的儿童和成人, 不管脑震荡是否与运动损伤有关. We strive to be at the forefront of TBI prevention while increasing our patients’ understanding of overall neurological health.


Our neurotrauma surgeons treat a range of traumatic brain injuries, 包括:

冲击: 一种会引起头痛的脑外伤, 记忆混乱和问题, 集中还是协调, 通常发生在头部受到重击后

头部枪伤: 头部有任何枪伤, which almost always requires emergency resuscitation and possible brain surgery 

创伤后癫痫: 脑损伤后一周内出现的癫痫发作, affecting about 25% of patients with blood clots inside the brain (intracerebral hematomas) 

颅骨骨折: Any break in the cranial bones that cover the brain, occurring after a severe injury to the head

蛛网膜下腔出血: Bleeding in the space between the brain’s surface and the protective tissue covering the brain

外伤性血肿: A blood clot at the surface or inside the brain that requires emergency surgery

  • 急性或慢性硬膜下血肿: 发生在大脑表层组织下面
  • 硬膜外血肿: 发生在大脑表面组织之上
  • 颅内血肿: 发生在大脑内部


昏迷: Unconsciousness arising from a critical neurologic condition or injury

脑炎: Brain inflammation, often caused by an infection or autoimmune condition

脑出血: 血液突然流入脑组织 

格林-巴利综合征: 一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病会攻击神经, 哪些会导致肌肉无力, 刺痛和, 在极端情况下, 麻痹

重症肌无力: An autoimmune disease in which the signals between nerves and muscles break down, requiring emergency treatment if it seriously affects swallowing or breathing muscles

癫痫: 突然, 大脑中不受控制的电活动, causing atypical sensations or behaviors and possible loss of consciousness 

脊髓损伤: Any direct injury that damages the spinal cord or nerves in the spinal canal

癫痫持续状态: A medical emergency occurring when a person has a seizure lasting longer than five minutes or more than one seizure in a five-minute period

中风: 脑部供血中断的医疗紧急情况


Our neurotrauma surgeons use a variety of state-of-the-art brain monitoring tools and surgical treatments.


Advanced brain monitoring tools allow our specialists to assess various types of brain activity. 我们使用的测试可能包括: 

:脑微量透析可把时程延长 Uses a thin, hollow tube (catheter) connected to the brain to evaluate certain brain chemicals

脑电图(EEG): Measures brainwave activity, including continuous EEG monitoring pioneered at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康

诱发电位: Measures the brain’s electrical activity in response to specific stimuli, 比如灯光, 声音或感觉

颅内压监测: Measures the pressure inside the skull to determine if high or low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is causing neurological symptoms

经颅多普勒超声: 用声波来评估血液在大脑中的流动



头颅成形术: 神经外科医生修复颅骨的骨缺损. These defects usually arise from a traumatic injury or previous surgery.

脑脊液漏修补: We may inject a small amount of the patient’s own blood or blood components into the spinal canal to repair a CSF leak. Sometimes, we use a duraplasty, a procedure to repair the outer covering of the brain (dura).

得到颅骨切除术: We remove a small piece of the skull temporarily to allow the brain room to swell and then heal.

术中ct引导下的内镜手术: 外科医生使用导管(细), flexible tube) to deliver a clot-busting medicine and stop brain bleeding.  

立体定向手术: We use highly focused radiation beams to shrink or destroy tumors or treat other brain problems such as bleeding. 


Our neurotrauma surgeons offer advanced critical care for a range of brain and spinal cord injuries. We use state-of-the-art tools that offer patients the best chance for a positive outcome. Our neurosurgeons are nationally recognized leaders in treatment and research of brain and spinal cord injuries.


呼叫 310-825-2631皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解更多关于神经创伤护理的知识.


我们的神经创伤外科医生提供先进的救命护理. 呼叫 310-825-5111 了解更多关于神经创伤和重症监护服务.