

Businessman using digital 3D projection of a human brain 3D rendering

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for neurology?

Our neurologists provide expert patient care, 开展前沿研究并教授下一代临床医生和研究人员. 

我们的神经病学和神经外科项目在全国排名第八,在洛杉矶排名最高, 如下所列 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道. When you choose UCLA for neurology services, you benefit from:

Nationally recognized experts: 自2002年以来,我们的科学家和临床医生在美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的资助中排名第一或第二. 这意味着我们每年在神经学领域领导多项研究. Our faculty teach courses at national meetings, author textbooks on neurology subspecialties, and are well-known nationally and internationally.

高级护理选项: 我们的26张病床的神经重症监护室(ICU)是世界上唯一拥有先进的现场诊断技术的神经重症监护室. 拥有这项技术意味着我们可以监测包括缺血性中风在内的疾病, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cerebral hemorrhage in real-time. 有了这个功能, 那些太不稳定而无法移动的病人仍然可以使用最先进的成像技术.

增长承诺: 我们的神经学家是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院的教员. They are dedicated to teaching and training residents and fellows. This commitment means our specialists continually learn about the newest, best treatments to teach the upcoming generation of neurology leaders. 

专科专业: 我们的许多神经科医生在神经疾病和条件的利基领域有专门的培训. Because these experts have advanced, 附属专业培训, we can offer even more 有针对性的治疗.

方便的位置: Our neurologists practice at several outpatient 位置  throughout the greater Los Angeles region. This means you can access expert neurology care close to home.


我们采用综合神经病学服务和亚专科诊所的模式. 我们的神经病学服务 include:

General neurology programs

We comprehensively treat all types of general neurology conditions. 护理领域包括: 

  • Behavioral 神经学 Program: 这个项目的重点是神经认知障碍,如阿尔茨海默病, dementia and other progressive cognitive problems. 
  • Goldberg Migraine Program: 专家在偏头痛程序诊断,治疗和管理所有类型的头痛疾病.
  • 睡眠障碍门诊: In this outpatient clinic, specialists diagnose and treat sleep disorders. 
  • Comprehensive Stroke Center : 我们著名的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校中风中心为脑和脊髓疾病患者提供全面的诊断和治疗护理. It is home to one of the nation’s first dedicated inpatient stroke units. 中风中心也是洛杉矶县第一个也是唯一一个获得联合委员会认证的中风中心. 这一认证意味着我们有专家全天候为您提供即时护理, 诊断, treatment and follow-up rehabilitation for all types of stroke.

Movement and neuromuscular programs

Movement and neuromuscular disorders can affect every aspect of your life. 我们的神经科医生通过专门的项目为特定的疾病提供治疗,包括: 

  • Movement Disorders Program: 一个由多学科专家组成的团队治疗帕金森病患者, 震动, 抽搐, Tourette syndrome and other movement disorders. 
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Program: 一个由专业专家组成的团队在进行研究以推进MS治疗的同时提供改变生活的临床护理.
  • Marilyn Hilton MS Achievement Center: 这个独特的项目提供教育,使MS患者能够控制自己的健康和福祉. 我们与美国多发性硬化症协会的南皇冠hga025和内华达分会合作提供这些服务. 
  • 神经肌肉的程序: We have a range of specialty neuromuscular clinics, whether you have an undiagnosed condition, 神经损伤, muscular dystrophy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Additional subspecialty programs

Many of our neurologists have advanced subspecialty expertise. 这种小众培训意味着我们可以在我们的亚专业项目中提供更先进的治疗. Programs we offer include:  

  • 癫痫的程序: Our specialists treat patients from all over the world. 我们进行调查研究,以治疗最复杂的成人癫痫.  
  • Neurocritical Care Program: 我们为危及生命的神经系统疾病患者提供最高质量的重症护理. 我们有一个一级TBI中心,我们有24张床位的神经重症监护室为危重患者提供高级护理. 
  • Neuro-infectious Diseases Program: 我们的专家提供慢性传染病对神经系统影响的评估和第二意见, such as HIV/AIDS or hepatitis C. 
  • Neuro-oncology程序: 神经外科, 神经放射学, 神经病理学和放射肿瘤学专家合作提供全面的脑肿瘤治疗.
  • Neuro-Otology程序: 神经学家研究和治疗头晕、眩晕、平衡障碍或耳鸣的患者.
  • Neurorehabilitation Program: 一个专门的神经康复专家团队确保您在神经系统疾病中获得最高质量的生活.


研究 is a crucial part of our division. 20多年了, 我们的神经科医生通过研究在推动神经学领域向前发展方面发挥了重要作用. 研究中心 include: 


Our neurologists treat a wide array of neurology concerns. Common conditions we treat include:

  • 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症: 一种影响大脑和脊髓神经细胞的进行性疾病.
  • 阿尔茨海默氏症: A brain disorder that progressively destroys memory, thinking skills and other important cognitive functions.
  • 癫痫: A brain disorder that causes recurring, unprovoked seizures. 
  • 偏头痛: A neurological condition that causes severe headaches, often accompanied by head throbbing, nausea or sensitivity to light. 
  • 多发性硬化: 一种慢性疾病,你的免疫系统会攻击你神经上的保护层, 导致疼痛, fatigue and impaired coordination. 
  • 帕金森病: 一种进行性脑部疾病,会导致颤抖、僵硬和失去平衡. 
  • 中风: A sudden interruption of the blood supply in your brain.

Tests and procedures we offer

Many nervous system disorders can cause similar symptoms, so it’s crucial that we make a correct finding. 我们使用先进的工具和测试,以确保您得到详细,准确的诊断.

Common tests we use include:

  • CT扫描: 这种检查结合了x射线和计算机技术来创建你身体内部的详细图像. 
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG): EEGs are an essential tool in epilepsy 诊断. 在脑电图中,我们将电极连接到你的头皮来记录你的脑电活动.
  • 肌电图(EMG): 在肌电图中, 我们在特定的肌肉群上放置电极来评估你的肌肉和运动功能.
  • 核磁共振成像: MRIs use a combination of radio waves, magnets and computer technology to create detailed images of your body. 
  • Positron emission tomography (PET): 在PET扫描中,你服用一种安全的放射性药物,然后我们给你的身体拍照. The drug collects in areas of your body where there is disease. It can help us diagnose tumors, seizures or Alzheimer’s disease. 
  • 脊椎抽液: 在脊椎穿刺时, 我们将一根针插入你的腰背,提取一小部分脑脊液样本。. CSF is the fluid that cushions the brain and spinal cord. 检测脑脊液可以告诉我们是否有感染、肿瘤或其他脑部疾病. 
  • Ultrasound (sonography): We use high-frequency sound waves to look at your internal organs. We can also use ultrasound to evaluate your blood flow. 

Our expert neurology team

Our neurologists are leaders in clinical care, research and education. 我们的项目一直在全国名列前茅,获得了NIH最高的研究经费. Many of our doctors have subspecialty expertise, which leads to even more advanced, 有针对性的治疗.


呼叫 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with a neurologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our neurology team consistently ranks among the best in the country. To find out more about our neurology services, call 310-794-1195.

Best 医院 神经学 & 神经外科