
我们的偏头痛专家提供全面的, coordinated migraine care with your well-being in mind.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for migraine and headache care?

我们提供最先进的, collaborative care for migraines and headaches through the UCLA Goldberg 偏头痛 Program. Our specialists research the latest treatment options and use advanced therapies to treat all types of headaches.


  • 研究重点: Our program is dedicated to finding and implementing novel migraine treatments. We use various techniques to learn more about what causes migraines and how best to treat them. Many of our patients qualify for clinical trials, where they have access to new treatment options.
  • 教育: 我们的专家在偏头痛治疗方面处于领先地位. 我们培养医学和研究生, 居民, fellows and physician colleagues in migraine care best practices.
  • 强调健康: We partner with you to ensure you have an active role in your treatment plan. Our goal is to arm you with the tools to live your healthiest life long-term, from learning about migraine triggers to making lifestyle changes.


Our headache treatment specialists care for patients with all types of headaches or migraines. 我们的项目侧重于两个关键领域:

  • 病人护理: 我们的专家使用神经学测试, 扫描, blood tests and other evaluations to diagnose headache disorders. We provide treatments to stop headaches when they occur, 也可以防止头痛复发.
  • 研究: Our researchers use a variety of techniques to discover more about the causes of headaches, identify new treatments and deliver these treatments to patients. Eligible patients may benefit from access to new treatments through clinical trials.


Nearly everyone has experienced a headache at some point. Headaches refer to pain or discomfort in the head or face. When headaches occur frequently or at a high intensity, it could point to a headache disorder. 头痛包括:

  • 主要的, when the headache itself is the problem and there’s no underlying condition
  • 二次, when there’s an underlying problem, such as a neck injury or infection, that causes the headache


  • 集束性头痛: This type of headache usually occurs on one side of the head. Cluster headaches can cause eye redness, eyelid swelling or congestion. Symptoms typically occur in a series of headaches that lasts for weeks or months.
  • 偏头痛: 偏头痛 symptoms can include headache pain, sensitivity to light, nausea or lightheadedness. 许多偏头痛患者都有先兆症状, 比如麻木, 语音变化, 肌肉无力或视力改变.   
  • 创伤后头痛: These headaches occur after an injury, usually within seven days or less. Post-traumatic headaches can be a symptom of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • 窦性头痛: Sinus headaches may feel like throbbing in the cheekbones, forehead or behind the nose. The pain is concentrated around the front of the face where the sinuses are located. Most often, sinus headaches are a symptom of a sinus infection (sinusitis).
  • 紧张性头痛: 这是最常见的头痛类型. 紧绷的肌肉和压力会导致头痛. Tension headaches usually lead to dull or moderate pain that affects the whole head.
  • 三叉神经痛: This chronic pain condition occurs when the trigeminal nerve is compressed. This nerve has three branches that run from the ear to the eye and forehead area, 脸颊和鼻孔部位, 还有下颚. Trigeminal neuralgia typically affects one side of the face. It often feels like sharp, shooting pain, but it may also cause throbbing, headache-like symptoms.


Our migraine specialists use a team approach to provide effective, comprehensive care. We work with you to create a plan that works for your lifestyle, individual needs and preferences. 治疗包括:

  • 触发标识: Recording migraine symptoms can help you identify migraine triggers. 偏头痛 triggers are behaviors or environmental factors that often lead to a migraine, such as eating certain foods or not getting enough sleep. Avoiding migraine triggers can help you reduce how often you get migraines.
  • 生活方式的改变: Some people find that a healthier lifestyle may reduce migraine frequency. 营养饮食, 有规律的锻炼, stress reduction and high-quality sleep can all improve your overall health and well-being.
  • 药物: Abortive medicines can help stop the progression of migraine symptoms. Preventive medications can decrease the frequency and intensity of migraines. You may need to try different medicines to find the ones that work best for you.
  • 注射: Injections of certain medications may treat migraine or headache symptoms. You may receive injections in a medical office or administer them at home every 30 to 90 days.
  • 刺激设备: These devices work by sending small electrical pulses to specific nerves. Stimulation devices often send these pulses consistently to reduce the frequency of migraines. 你也可以自己控制设备, sending electric pulses at specific times prescribed by a neurologist.


Our headache and migraine specialists are researchers, 偏头痛和头痛护理的临床医生和领导者. 我们发现并实现新奇, effective treatment approaches to prevent migraines and manage symptoms.


呼叫 310-794-1195 to request an appointment with a migraine and headache specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We offer exceptional, holistic care for patients with migraines and headaches. 呼叫 310-794-1195 了解更多有关我们的服务.