
We are one of the nation’s few programs dedicated to caring for children with complex airway disorders and swallowing conditions. 我们的高技能专家与您合作,帮助您的孩子感觉更好.

Why choose the UCLA 复杂的儿童气道重建,吞咽和气管切开术 Program? 

Our program is one of the few in the nation dedicated to children with complex airway and swallowing disorders. Board-certified specialists in numerous fields collaborate to give your child comprehensive, next-level care. When you choose UCLA Health, you can expect:

Renowned excellence: UCLA Health's head and neck surgery program is widely known for its outstanding quality, 该项目经常被美国大学评为全国顶尖项目.S. News & World Report. Numerous physicians from our program are also listed among Los Angeles Magazine's “Top Doctors” and “Super Doctors” in Southern California. 

Compassionate care: 我们优先考虑您孩子的舒适和幸福, 在整个治疗过程中提供个性化的支持. 

Family-centered approach: 你积极参与到孩子的照顾中, and we ensure that you are fully informed at every stage and work with you to develop a complete treatment plan. 

Team of experts: 我们的儿科专家一起工作,提供全面的护理. 我们的团队包括耳鼻喉科专家, nose and throat), pulmonology (respiratory system), gastroenterology (digestive system), 语言病理学和呼吸治疗. Additional team members specializing in pediatrics include cardiothoracic (heart and chest) surgeons, craniofacial (skull and face) surgeons, 新生儿专科医生(复杂情况新生儿), 重症医师(重症监护)和麻醉师(手术期间疼痛管理). 

Research focus: Our doctors are also active researchers who regularly publish their work about airway and swallowing care. 这意味着你的孩子可以接触到最新的治疗方法和创新. 


Breathing, speaking and swallowing can be difficult when structures in a child’s respiratory system are diseased, narrowed or obstructed. These structures include:

  • Pharynx (throat)
  • Larynx (voice box)
  • Trachea (windpipe)  

有些孩子天生就有气道和吞咽问题(先天性). 其他人则是由于创伤、疾病或长时间使用呼吸管而发展起来的.

Our team treats the most complex airway and swallowing conditions in children, including:

Airway stenosis  

气道狭窄是指气道狭窄,导致声音嘶哑或呼吸困难. 气道狭窄的类型取决于其位置,包括:

  • Glottic stenosis: Narrowing of the larynx at the vocal cords 
  • Subglottic stenosis: Narrowing of the larynx below the vocal cords
  • Tracheal stenosis: Narrowing of the trachea

Other airway conditions


  • Complete tracheal rings: 气管内的软骨环通常呈“C”形. Complete tracheal rings are “O”-shaped and smaller-than-normal, causing difficult, noisy breathing. 
  • Laryngeal  (laryngotracheal) cleft: An abnormal opening between the larynx and esophagus allows food and liquid to enter the lungs. The opening may extend to the trachea. 
  • Laryngomalacia: Tissues above the vocal cords are soft and floppy, causing a partial airway obstruction. 这是婴儿呼吸嘈杂(喘鸣)的最常见原因.
  • Stridor: Stridor is noisy breathing caused by vocal cord paralysis or an obstruction or narrowing in the airway.
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula: An abnormal connection between the esophagus and trachea allows food and liquids to reach the lungs. 
  • 气管造口依赖及相关疾病: After making an opening in the neck, 医生将气管造口管插入气管以帮助呼吸. 长时间使用气管造口管通气可引起各种并发症.

Voice-related conditions


  • Complex voice disorders: 引起复杂声音障碍的条件包括结节, vocal cord paralysis, cysts, muscle tension imbalance, polyps, scarring and chronic laryngitis.
  • Glottic diastasis: 声带之间不正常的间隙会导致声音问题. 
  • Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes benign wart-like growths on or near the vocal cords, 导致声音嘶哑或其他声音变化. 大的生长也可能使呼吸困难. 因为病毒仍在组织中,所以切除后肿瘤可能会复发.
  • Vocal fold paralysis: The vocal folds, also known as vocal cords, don’t move, affecting breathing and speaking.

Swallowing disorders


  • Cricopharyngeal achalasia: The muscle at the top of the esophagus (food tube) doesn’t relax, making swallowing difficult.
  • Dysphagia and aspiration: 吞咽困难是一个医学术语,我们用在孩子吞咽困难的时候. Swallowing difficulties can cause food and liquid to enter the windpipe and lungs (aspiration).

Tests and procedures we offer 

你孩子的医生可能会推荐你去儿科耳科, 鼻喉科医生(耳鼻喉科医生). Pediatric otolaryngologists have specialized training in children’s airway and swallowing conditions. They work with other pediatric specialists and you to develop an effective treatment plan for your child.


Our providers use several tests to diagnose airway and swallowing problems in children, including:

Lab tests

你孩子的医生可能会要求血液、尿液或组织样本在实验室进行分析. 来自实验室测试的信息可以提供有价值的健康见解.


Your doctor may request detailed pictures of your child’s airways, lungs and blood vessels. Common imaging tests include: 

  • Chest X-ray: This technique uses electromagnetic radiation to capture images of the inside of your child’s chest. 
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan: By combining X-rays and computers, 这种扫描可以产生孩子呼吸系统的详细图像.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Using radio waves, high-powered magnets and a computer, 这个测试可以生成孩子气道结构的详细图像.
  • Esophagram (barium swallow study):  Your child swallows a solution with barium, 当食道向下移动到胃时,是什么包裹着它. Barium helps your doctor observe your child’s esophagus in action during a specialized X-ray called fluoroscopy. 
  • Modified barium swallow study: Similar to a barium swallow, this test checks to see if food or liquids enter your child’s lungs.

Endoscopic imaging tests

We insert a flexible or rigid tube with a light and camera at the end (endoscope) through the nose or mouth to view portions of your child’s airway. 我们在办公室进行的专业内窥镜检查包括:

  • Laryngoscopy: Views the larynx
  • 软性(纤维)内镜下吞咽评估: 聚焦于吞咽过程的喉镜检查
  • Bronchoscopy: Looks at the trachea
  • Esophagoscopy: Evaluates the esophagus
  • Endoscopic biopsy: Takes tissue samples to be analyzed in a lab
  • Triple endoscopy: Evaluates the airway, lungs and upper gastrointestinal tract in a single endoscopic procedure in the hospital


Most airway treatments aim to widen the airway and remove obstructions to make breathing easier. 根据您孩子的具体诊断和需要, 他们的气道治疗可能包括口服药物, injections, surgery or a combination. We offer:


药物可以帮助治疗一些气道疾病. Your child’s doctor may also recommend injecting steroids into the airway structures to reduce inflammation.



  • Dilation: This procedure stretches and opens the airway by temporarily inflating and then removing a small balloon.
  • Stenting: Your child’s doctor inserts a metal or silicone  tube-shaped device to keep the airway open.
  • Ablation therapy: 你孩子的医生使用激光摧毁气道中的疤痕组织或肿瘤. 这种方法通常比传统手术提供更快的恢复时间.


Some procedures require open surgery, which involves a skin incision to access the airway. 我们为喉和气管提供所有复杂的气道外科手术.


Larynx procedures we perform include:

  • Epiglottopexy: 这种方法治疗儿童的睡眠和呼吸道问题. Your child’s doctor secures the floppy epiglottis (tissue that covers the windpipe while eating) to the tongue to open the airway. 
  • Laryngeal cleft repair: This procedure involves using endoscopic or open surgical techniques to manage laryngeal clefts. 
  • Laryngeal reinnervation: This procedure restores nerve connections in the larynx, helping the vocal cords function. 
  • 喉气管重建(喉气管成形术): 该手术治疗先天性或后天性气道狭窄. The doctor removes a small piece of cartilage from elsewhere in your child’s body (a graft). 然后他们将移植物插入气管,扩大气管,使呼吸更容易.
  • Supraglottoplasty: This procedure treats laryngomalacia. Your child’s doctor uses specialized lasers on the tip of an endoscope to reshape or remove excess tissue in the voice box.



  • Cricotracheal and tracheal resection: This procedure treats advanced airway stenosis. Your child’s doctor removes the narrowed portion of the airway and reconnects the healthy sections. 
  • Slide tracheoplasty: 该手术治疗一种称为长段气管狭窄的严重狭窄. 患有这种疾病的儿童通常也有心脏异常. 耳鼻喉外科医生增加气管宽度以改善气流, 心脏外科医生会帮你解决心脏问题. 
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula repair: Your child’s doctor separates the trachea and esophagus and closes the openings in each passageway.
  • Tracheostomy: 你孩子的医生在气管上开一个口,插入气管造口管. 如果你的孩子有呼吸道疾病,气管造口管可以帮助他们呼吸.
  • Tracheostomy decannulation: 这是取出气管造口管的过程.

Meet our team

Our otolaryngologists are highly trained specialists in complex pediatric airway problems and swallowing disorders. They work closely with other pediatric specialists to manage your child’s condition and improve their quality of life.

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Contact us

Call 310-206-6688皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的儿科气道专家预约.

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我们的供应商一直在他们的领域中名列前茅. 要了解更多复杂的儿科气道重建,请致电 310-206-6688.