
Our specialists care for adolescents 和 young 成人s ages 12 to 21 who have acquired or congenital heart disease. 我们帮助过渡到成人护理,以避免任何失误的治疗.



Specialists in the UCLA 青少年过渡性心脏护理 Program help children with heart disease transition from pediatric to 成人 care. Our goal is to empower teens 和 young 成人s ages 12 to 21 to manage their own care while avoiding potential lapses in care. 我们的团队是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校卫生皇冠hga025的一部分 心脏及血管服务,这 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 排名. 心脏病学排名全国第九. 

强调了的 我们的 A青少年过渡性心脏护理 程序 包括:

降低突发事件的风险: Patients who participate in 我们的 程序 have a lower risk of disruptions in medical care, 比如错过治疗或药物用完. 反过来, 过渡 心脏保健 服务 也可以帮助病人避免紧急护理.

一系列资源: 医生, nurse coordinators 和 social workers assist families with navigating questions about California Children’s Services (CCS) coverage 和 服务s. 他们还将家庭与咨询、转介和皇冠hga020电脑版资源联系起来.

有效的护理过渡: A major aspect of 我们的 程序 is identifying the 成人 cardiology providers that 我们的 patients will start working with. We establish this connection early so that young 成人s don’t waste time finding a new provider when they turn 21. This 服务 follows the best practices recommended by the American 心 Association 和 American Academy of Pediatrics.

支持长期健康: Our specialists can identify 和 educate patients about how heart disease affects reproductive health, 妇科护理, 性健康和节育方案. We help teens underst和 these implications early so they can make decisions that support their health long-term.


The 青少年过渡性心脏护理 Program is for teens 和 young 成人s with heart disease. Congenital heart disease is a term that refers to one or more problems with the heart’s structures that have been present since birth. 先天性心脏病的另一个术语是先天性心脏缺陷. People with congenital heart disease need lifelong medical care to maintain their heart health 和 lower their risk of complications.

先天性心脏缺陷有很多种. 一些最常见的类型包括:

房间隔缺损: People are born with a hole in the wall (septum) between the heart’s two upper chambers (atria). 这可能不会引起任何症状, 或者可能导致心跳加速(心悸), 呼吸急促(气促), 疲劳或腿部肿胀. 

二尖瓣主动脉瓣: 主动脉瓣只有两个瓣膜,而不是通常的三个. 主动脉瓣控制血液从心脏流向主动脉, 把血液输送到全身的大动脉. 双尖瓣可能无法正常关闭或打开, 导致血流阻塞或漏血(反流).

左心发育不良综合征: 心脏的左侧没有正常形成. 因此,它不能将血液输送到全身.

长QT综合征: 在这种心律紊乱中, 心脏在两次跳动之间“充电”的时间比平时长, 心跳加速的导致心跳加速或不规则的.

动脉导管未闭: 每个婴儿出生时主动脉之间都有一个开口, 是什么把血液从心脏输送到身体, 还有肺动脉, 是什么将血液输送到肺部. If the opening doesn’t close as it should soon after birth, too much blood flows to the lungs. 小的开口可能不会引起任何症状. 大的pda可能导致心跳加速, 喂养困难, 体重增加不足, 心脏杂音或反复呼吸道感染.

卵圆孔未闭(PFO) PFO is a hole between the left 和 right upper heart chambers (atria) that’s present in all fetuses. 对大多数人来说,这个洞在出生前就关闭了. 对于患有PFO的人来说,这个孔不能正常闭合. PFOs often don’t cause any symptoms but may lead to migraines or stroke-like symptoms.  

肺动脉闭锁: The pulmonary valve,这 controls blood flow from the heart to the lungs, doesn’t form properly. 因此,血液很难从肺部获得氧气.

法洛四联症: This is a combination of f我们的 heart defects that often occur together 和 make it difficult for blood to flow throughout the heart. 这些缺陷包括室间隔缺损, 肺动脉瓣和肺动脉的狭窄, 主动脉瓣增大,右下心室(右心室)厚.

室间隔缺损: People are born with a hole in the wall (septum) between the heart’s two lower chambers (ventricles). 婴儿可能会出现呼吸急促等症状, bluish-tinted皮肤, 体重增加和喂养不良.


后天性心脏病是指出生后出现的心脏疾病. They are uncommon in children, but may develop because of an illness, chronic disease or medication. 儿童获得性心脏病的类型包括:

心肌病: 这种疾病发生在心肌僵硬或增厚的时候. 这在儿童中非常罕见. There are several types of cardiomyopathy that make it harder for the heart to pump blood effectively.   

心脏炎症: 自身免疫性疾病、病毒感染或癌症都可能导致心脏炎症. Children may have an inflamed heart muscle (myocarditis) or they may have inflammation in the sac surrounding the heart (pericarditis). 在极少数情况下,感染可能会扩散到心脏瓣膜(心内膜炎)。.

川崎病: Kawasaki disease causes inflammation in the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries). 它可能导致动脉壁隆起,即动脉瘤. Kawasaki disease is one the most common causes of acquired heart problems in children.

风湿性心脏病: 这种心脏病是由风湿热引起的. Rheumatic fever is extremely rare 和 often causes inflammation in the heart, skin, joints 和 brain. It may also cause problems with the heart valves, including narrowing, scarring or leaking.


Our specialists care for adolescents 和 young 成人s with heart disease from age 12 to 21. 我们提供一系列心脏服务,包括:

  • 诊断测试
  • 心脏疾病的医疗管理
  • 介入性心导管和电生理服务
  • 心脏手术
  • 肺移植

我们还帮助 从青少年到过渡性心脏护理 成人 护理,包括:

  • Connecting teens 和 families with psychosocial support 服务s, career guidance 和 counseling 
  • 教育青少年及其家人心脏病对妇科的影响, 避孕, 生育和性健康
  • Helping teens underst和 their diagnosis 和 develop a life plan to identify educational, 社会和职业目标
  • Providing teens with the self-management skills necessary to navigate the health system on their own
  • 在从儿科护理过渡到成人护理期间为父母提供支持


Our team provides expert cardiovascular care for teens with congenital heart disease. We also connect teens 和 young 成人s with 成人 cardiology providers 和 help them learn to navigate the medical system on their own. Our comprehensive 服务s lower the risk of care lapses that could lead to emergencies.


Ashley Abuel RN, BSN is the Outpatient Nurse Coordinator 和 the coordinator for California Children Services (CCS). She is available to patients 和 their families to answer questions about CCS coverage 和 服务s. In addition, she can help coordinate a patient’s care with any 服务s they might need.

西尔维娅Villasenior, 儿科心脏病学临床社会工作者, 为病人及其家属提供多项服务, including counseling 和 obtaining community health/mental health/social 服务s.


除了心脏病学小组, many other health professionals are available to you when you have a medical problem that isn't related to y我们的 heart such as colds, 咳嗽或胃部不适.


呼叫 310-267-7668 to request an appointment with an adolescent 过渡 心脏保健 specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Patients with acquired or congenital heart disease often require lifelong cardiology care. 呼叫 310-267-7668 了解更多青少年过渡性心脏护理.