How to Update Your Member Profile

Below are instructions for updating Member Profiles on our website. The Member Directory can be found here:

How can I update my member profile web page?

会员可以随时要求更新会员资料和个人资料页面. 请将请求提交给Sarah Anwar,研究行政专员, via email.

How do I find my profile page?


此外,所有成员都有一个友好的URL,这可以让你快速找到你的网页. FRIENDLY URL由您的“名”和“姓”组成,放在“uclahealth”之后.org/cancer/members." For example, Dr. Michael Teitell's member profile page is Note that the default URL uses your submitted first and last name.

What if I'm a UCLA Health Provider as well as a Cancer Center member?

UCLA Health maintains a Provider Directory with provider profiles that are separate from member profiles. If you are a member and also a provider, you will have two distinct, separately maintained profiles. Though the two profiles share several common data points, 我们的个人资料包括其他与研究相关的信息,这些信息不适用于供应商. (Learn how provider profiles are managed and updated here via UCLA Health Marketing's mednet website.)

Although member and provider profiles remain distinct, 在某些情况下,我们确实会利用会员资料中的提供商数据. 如果您未在原始会员申请中向我们提供具体数据,或尚未要求将信息添加到您的会员资料中, and should those data fields overlap with your provider profile, we will pull the provider data to display on your member profile.

The shared member/provider data fields are: Photo, Personal Pronouns, Languages and Education (Fellowship, Degree, Medical Degree, Internship, Residency, Board Certification). 在我可以更新哪些字段中概述了如何在配置文件之间共享数据? section directly below.

Which fields can I update?

尽管一些数据字段是自动填充的(比如你的研究项目隶属关系), most fields can be updated. How to update each data field is outlined below.

a) Photo

Please submit a high resolution portrait photo as a .jpg or .png file, and format the image file name as: LastName-FirstName.jpg (eg. Smith-John.jpg). Business attire is encouraged.

Please consider signing up for a professional photoshoot皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康营销团队主办,这项服务扩展到癌症中心的成员. Once approved, 您的专业头像将被我们的网络团队自动添加到您的癌症中心会员档案中.

If you are also a provider: 您可以有不同的头像为您的成员配置文件页面和提供商配置文件页面(例如, 您希望在您的会员照片中穿职业装,但在您的提供者照片中穿实验室工作服). 如果你不提供一个独特的头像为您的会员资料页, we will automatically pull in your provider headshot. If neither a member or provider headshot is available, a gender-neutral placeholder graphic will be substituted.

b) Preferred name and credentials


c) Personal Pronouns

Please consider including your preferred personal pronouns.

If you are also a provider: 如果您没有为您的会员配置文件提供任何人称代词,但您的提供商配置文件包含它们, we will display those pronouns on your member profile.

d) Faculty appointments and affiliations

Please keep us updated on your faculty appointments and affiliations, which are displayed in the top section of your member profile. Appointments and affiliations are only updated by member request.

e) Languages

Online member profiles will list “English” as your default language, 但是您可以很容易地更新您的记录,以包括您通常在专业设置中使用的其他语言. They are displayed in the top section of your member profile page.

If you are also a provider: 如果您没有为您的成员配置文件提供任何语言,但您的提供商配置文件包含其他语言, we will display those languages on your member profile.

f) Clinical specialty

You may include your clinical specialties, if any, that you would like to be displayed on your member profile page.

g) Institutional affiliations

Please provide any research, 临床和/或其他值得注意的相关从属关系将显示在您的会员资料页面上.

h) Education




  • Fellowship(s)
  • Internship(s)
  • Medical degree(s)
  • Degree(s)
  • Residency
  • Board Certification(s)

If you are also a provider: 如果您没有在您的会员资料中提供上述教育数据字段的信息,但您的提供商资料中包含了这些信息, we will include those data fields on your member profile. (Ex. 您不需要在您的会员简介中提供您的董事会认证,而是将其列在您的提供商简介中, then we will display them on your member profile.)

i) Contact email

Please provide your relevant professional contact emails. 这些将显示在您的会员资料页面的联系信息部分. 由于您的个人资料显示给公众,并可用于搜索引擎, 不要提供您不希望被联系的个人电子邮件或地址.

j) Contact phone

请提供您的相关专业联系电话,以便在您的会员资料页面的联系信息部分显示. 由于您的个人资料显示给公众,并可用于搜索引擎, 不要提供你不希望被联系的个人或其他电话号码.

k) Links

请只提供与研究或癌症相关的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校网站的链接. (No personal websites.)

l) Clinical interests

Please keep us updated on your current clinical interests, if applicable, you would like displayed on your member profile page.

m) Scientific interests

我们鼓励你详细描述你的科学和研究兴趣, relevant lab focus, and recent notable cancer-related activities. Paragraph format is preferred, but a bulleted list is acceptable. Always refer to yourself as First name Last name on the first reference; subsequent references should be Last name.

n) Highlighted publications

You are required to provide five (5) highlighted publications. If you do not provide us with your highlighted pubs, we will include your five most recent publications.

Where does the other information come from?

Research Program affiliation

您目前的癌症中心研究计划隶属关系显示在您的会员资料页面的顶部. 您的隶属关系状态是内部管理,任何更新将自动反映在您的会员资料.

In the news

此字段将自动填充到癌症中心和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康媒体故事的链接. You do not need to submit links to us.

Provider profile button

如果您也是提供者,并且拥有当前活动的提供者配置文件页面, 链接到您的提供商配置文件的按钮将自动显示在您的会员配置文件页面的顶部.

Who can I contact if I need help?

To request updates to your member data, please contact Sarah Anwar, Research Administrative Specialist, via email. For technical assistance or questions about the website, please contact Peter Bracke, Web Strategist & Administrator, via email.

Who manages the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center website?

The 消费者网站由皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康市场部与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心合作管理. 如需技术协助或问题,请联系网络策略师Peter Bracke & Administrator, via email.