Kidney Cancer


Kidney cancer
Illustration of kidneys

Why choose UCLA Health for kidney cancer treatment?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校泌尿肿瘤研究所的健康肾癌项目是全国首批综合性肾癌项目之一. 自从40年前这个项目启动以来,我们一直在提供最先进的护理. At UCLA Health, you’ll find:

Expertise in challenging cases: 该地区的医院向我们的专家征求专家意见,这些专家每天都在合作,以确保为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的每位患者提供全面的护理.

Compassionate care with a team approach: We partner with you and your family in the decision-making process. 重要的是要确保你有所有你需要的信息来考虑你的护理选择.

A team approach无论是在我们的多学科临床还是在我们肿瘤委员会会议的讨论中, 我们的肾癌医生认识到护理不是在真空中提供的,并共同努力为您提供最佳的护理方法.

Leaders in kidney cancer innovation: 我们独特的研究项目使器官保留手术更加完善, pioneering immune and targeted agents, 发展先进的诊断方式,如正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描.

Superior care close to home: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心在大洛杉矶地区的多个地点提供肾癌护理,协调诊断和治疗计划.

Our services

From kidney cancer diagnosis to post-cancer care, UCLA Health’s Kidney Cancer Program offers comprehensive services, including:

Kidney cancer diagnosis


Ultrasound: 一种利用高频声波生成肾脏图像的测试. 对于选定的患者,可以给予对比,以避免使用CT/MRI成像.

CT scan: CT扫描可以生成肾脏的详细图像,这对诊断癌症很有用. 我们的肾脏CT方案可以让医生预测肾癌的类型.

MRI scan: 这是一种利用磁场和无线电波生成肾脏详细图像的测试. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校有一种特殊的对比剂,对肾功能不全的患者是安全的.

PET/CT scan: 一种结合核医学试验和CT扫描的方法,使用对比染料和放射性物质来检测癌症. Various trials use new agents to identify and stage kidney cancer.

Biopsy: 切除一小块肾组织并在显微镜下检查以寻找癌症的一种方法.

Cancer genetics

我们的遗传性肾癌项目评估增加患肾癌风险的潜在遗传因素. 了解特定的遗传风险使医生能够更精确地为您量身定制最适合您的肾癌治疗计划. Learn more about the cancer genetics program at UCLA Health.

Kidney cancers we treat

We treat all types of kidney cancers, including:

Renal cell carcinoma: The most common form of kidney cancer. 肾细胞癌起源于肾脏小管的内壁. Ninety percent of all kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma.

Renal sarcoma: 一种罕见的肾癌,起源于肾脏的结缔组织或血管.

Urothelial/Transitional cell carcinoma: A rare (<5%) form of kidney cancer that begins in the urinary drainage/collecting system (renal pelvis and ureter) instead of the kidney itself.

Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma): A childhood cancer that forms in the kidneys.

Kidney cancer treatments we offer

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康肾癌项目提供基于最新研究的前沿治疗方法. These kidney cancer treatments include:

Nonsurgical kidney cancer treatments

Some types of kidney cancer may be treated without surgery using:

Active surveillance: 对于许多传播可能性低的小群体来说,密切监测是一种选择.

Radiation therapy: For challenging surgical patients, 高剂量辐射可用于控制肾肿瘤或扩散部位.

Immunotherapy: 刺激人体免疫系统攻击癌细胞的疗法. Many of our patients can have remission after receiving these therapies.

Targeted therapy: 这些口服药物可以阻止肿瘤形成有助于肿瘤生长的新血管. 靶向治疗通常比标准化疗副作用更少 .

Tumor ablation: A process that uses extreme heat or cold to destroy a tumor. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康肾癌项目在门诊提供低温消融术和射频消融术.

Clinical trials: 有希望的肾癌治疗方法的研究尚未向公众开放. 大多数患者都是试验的候选人,我们鼓励在适当的时候参与.

Kidney cancer surgery

Surgery is the most common treatment for kidney cancer. 你的护理团队会考虑几个因素来决定哪种手术适合你. They will weigh whether the surgery can remove the cancer, save your kidney and preserve your kidney function. We offer:

  • Partial nephrectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the tumor while sparing the kidney.
  • Radical nephrectomy: Surgery to completely remove the diseased kidney.

Specialty providers usually choose the procedure based on tumor size, location, kidney function, and overall health. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,外科医生经常进行腹腔镜检查或机器人辅助的微创手术. 这些技术使我们能够进行高度精确的手术.

Meet our team

Our physicians, 外科医生和临床专家是世界知名的诊断专家, management and treatment of kidney cancer. 我们紧跟最新的研究,以确保您得到最好的护理. 我们的团队合作方式让更多专家关注您的案例,增加您获得更好结果的机会.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7700 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肾癌专家.

Find your care

我们将专业知识和先进技术相结合,以提供最好的结果. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 310-794-7700​​​​​​​.

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