Pediatric Urology

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科泌尿科医生为影响泌尿道的疾病提供全面的护理. 我们提供精确的诊断,以便为您的孩子提供有效的治疗.

Doctor talking to mother with baby son wearing protective medical mask at clinic
Father And Daughter Having Consultation With Pediatrician In Hospital Office

Why choose UCLA Health for pediatric urology?

At UCLA Health, 我们的专家在解决儿童独特的泌尿系统需求方面非常熟练. 我们将无与伦比的专业知识与先进的技术相结合,提供世界一流的护理. Highlights of our program include:

Multispecialty team: Pediatric urologists work closely with nephrologists, radiologists, orthopedists, 内分泌学家和其他专家为患有泌尿系统疾病的儿童提供护理. We customize every treatment plan and focus on well-rounded care. Your child has a team of experts devoted to their well-being.

Dedicated care for children许多泌尿系统疾病只影响儿童或影响儿童不同于成人. 这就是为什么从了解儿童独特需求的医生那里寻求治疗是至关重要的. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的儿科泌尿科医生将100%的工作投入到儿童护理中.

Specialty clinics: At the Clark-Morrison Children's Urological Center at UCLA, 我们的团队为患有脊柱裂和其他脊髓异常的儿童提供专门的泌尿科护理. 儿科泌尿科医生和专家聚集在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校脊柱裂健康诊所,帮助患有这种疾病的儿童成为独立的成年人.

Minimally invasive surgical techniques: Our pediatric urologists are skilled at the most advanced, minimally invasive techniques to treat a range of conditions. 我们使用专门为儿童设计的机器人和内窥镜手术技术. 这些方法使我们的手术非常精确,同时减少了术后疼痛和恢复时间.

Advanced care after surgery: We work with pediatric hospitalists, 儿科麻醉师和儿童生活专家确保您的孩子在手术恢复期间得到良好的护理. Offering several pain control options, including general anesthesia, regional and spinal anesthesia and non-narcotic alternatives, we focus on your child’s comfort throughout the postoperative process. 我们的目标是帮助您的孩子在一个专注于儿童独特需求的环境中尽快康复.

Our areas of care

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,您的孩子从诊断到治疗都会得到个性化的护理. Because urologic conditions can involve the kidneys, bladder, genitals, nerves and several body systems, a multispecialty team focuses on your child’s care. We’re proud to offer:

Advanced diagnostics

UCLA Health pediatric urologists use the latest tests, imaging studies and procedures to evaluate a range of urologic problems. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康遗传学和母婴专家密切合作,尽可能早地诊断先天性(从出生开始)异常, sometimes even in the womb. Early and accurate diagnoses allow us to deliver timely and effective treatments.

Minimally invasive treatments

我们擅长为6个月大的孩子进行机器人手术. 这些突破性的技术需要更小的切口和更短的恢复时间,同时达到与传统手术相同的优异效果. As leaders in sophisticated surgical procedures, our experts use the da Vinci® robotic surgery system. This minimally invasive approach uses a tiny camera and small tools.

We are also skilled in endoscopic surgery. We pass a long, 带有小摄像头的细管通过泌尿道到达结石或其他需要治疗的部位. These procedures allow intervention without surgical incisions, meaning children are often able to return home the same day.

我们的团队包括儿科麻醉师,他们经过专门培训,可以在微创手术中为儿童提供全身麻醉. 这些医生为需要手术的儿童提供了更高水平的安全和舒适.

Pediatric urology research and innovation

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科泌尿科医师与多家儿科医院合作,以更好地了解罕见疾病并改善儿科护理. 我们加入了西方儿科泌尿外科联盟和儿童肾结石护理改善网络(PKIDS),以开拓新的治疗方法,使现有的治疗方法更有效.

Our division is at the forefront of innovation, 随着实验室和诊所不断的研究来改善现在和未来的儿科护理. Learn more about UCLA Health pediatric urology research.

Children’s urologic conditions we treat

我们的医生对泌尿系统疾病及其对儿童的具体影响有深入的了解. We treat the full range of problems, including:

Cancer and benign (noncancerous) tumors: Urologic cancers can affect the kidneys, bladder, testicles or vagina.

Congenital abnormalities (problems that are present at birth)泌尿系统疾病包括肾积水(由于尿路聚集引起的肾脏肿胀)和尿道下裂(阴茎异常)。.

Differences in sexual development (DSD)我们与几个专业的专家合作,治疗性发育的所有差异. There are several types of DSD. 这些疾病会导致儿童生殖器官或性染色体的异常. 有些孩子出生时生殖器不典型(不清楚是男性还是女性)。.

Kidney stones: Crystals or stones form in the kidneys when certain substances, such as calcium, build up and don’t leave the body with urine. Kidney stones can affect children and babies. In children, they often result from a diet that includes too much salt.

Neurogenic bladder这种情况发生在孩子由于神经问题而无法控制膀胱(尿失禁)时, spinal cord or brain. Neurogenic bladder can result from many conditions, 包括脊柱裂(出生前脊髓发育不正常).

Testicular problems我们治疗影响睾丸和阴囊(睾丸周围的皮肤袋)的常见疾病。. 这些情况包括睾丸隐睾(出生时睾丸仍在婴儿腹部)和精索静脉曲张(阴囊静脉肿胀)。.

Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition occurs when urine flows backward, away from the bladder. Instead of leaving the body, 尿液流向输尿管(将尿液从肾脏输送到膀胱的管道)或肾脏. 膀胱输尿管反流可引起尿路感染(uti)并损害肾脏.

Pediatric urology treatments we offer

At UCLA Health, 我们的儿科泌尿科医生专门根据您孩子的年龄提供定制治疗, health and symptoms. Depending on the diagnosis, your child may need medications, a minimally invasive procedure or traditional surgery. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的专家团队合作,确保每一次治疗都是定制的,并专注于您孩子的健康.

If your child needs surgery, you can trust our expert team. 我们的团队采用最新的技术,经过专门训练,以满足儿童的独特需求. We’re here for you and your family at every step.

Meet our team

Every doctor on our team is fellowship trained in pediatric urology. As experts in the field, 我们在美国泌尿学协会和儿科泌尿学协会担任领导职务. We collaborate with specialists in several departments to ensure coordinated, comprehensive care for your child.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7700 to connect with a UCLA Health pediatric urologist.

Find your care

Using a patient- and family-centered approach, we diagnose and treat all conditions affecting the urinary tract. Call 310-794-7700 to connect with a pediatric urology expert.

US News Best Children’s Hospital 2023-24 - Urology
Renea M. Sturm博士展示了机器人手术如何提高儿科泌尿外科手术