
Our specialists provide comprehensive care for concussions and traumatic brain injuries in children. We continually research and implement leading-edge treatments.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 approach to pediatric traumatic brain injuries

The specialists on our pediatric concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI) team provide comprehensive care for children of all ages. We also research new techniques and engage in community outreach to increase awareness of concussion and TBI. Multiple specialists work together to offer your child holistic treatment.


全面的护理: Our specialists evaluate all the ways in which TBI affects your child, 包括头痛等挥之不去的症状. This thorough assessment aims to increase your child’s long-term quality of life.

国家的贡献: Our team includes multiple specialists who are experts in their field. 事实上, we have contributed to national guidelines for concussion treatment, including standards set by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

研究治疗: 我们的临床服务提供者也是活跃的研究人员. 我们不断学习和实施最新的治疗方法. Eligible patients may benefit from access to clinical trials.


Our specialists care for children with all types of traumatic brain injury and athletes with concussions. 我们的护理领域包括:


This clinic offers comprehensive care for children with traumatic brain injury of any severity. We also care for children who have lingering symptoms of TBI, 比如头痛或注意力难以集中.

Our physicians offer comprehensive neurological exams, as well as neuropsychological testing. For athletes, we also provide computerized baseline and follow-up neurocognitive testing. We can refer patients to multiple specialists as needed, 包括:

  • 神经影像学专家
  • Neurorehabilitation专家
  • 整形外科医师
  • 脊椎专家
  • 运动医学提供者 


Our specialists also care for children through the UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT program, treating concussions that occur during athletics and recreation. This comprehensive assessment and treatment program works with local schools to provide exceptional research-based care.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 concussion experts helped develop the AAN and CDC concussion treatment recommendations, 现在的护理标准是什么. 我们的团队包括:

  • 神经学家
  • 神经心理学家
  • 职业治疗师
  • 营养师

The BrainSPORT program is one of only a few of its kind in the country that includes the expertise of both neurologists and neuropsychologists. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 425-651-2641 或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)


Our specialists engage in community outreach for traumatic brain injuries and sports concussions. 我们为皇冠hga020电脑版举办教育会议, 体能训练师, 学校管理人员和其他医生.

我们也研究儿童脑外伤及相关问题. Our doctors participate in the National Sports Concussion Outcomes Study (NSCOS), a nationwide study that follows athletes of all ages to evaluate the long-term effects of concussion.


A traumatic brain injury is a sudden injury that damages your brain. It often occurs because of a violent blow or jolt to the head.

脑震荡是脑外伤的一种. It occurs when a hit to the body causes the brain to bounce or move within the skull. These sudden brain movements lead to chemical changes in your brain and potential brain damage. Concussions aren’t usually life-threatening, but they are serious.  

我们治疗所有类型的儿童创伤性脑损伤, including sports concussions and ongoing symptoms of TBI such as:

  • 注意力和记忆力问题
  • 头痛
  • 易怒
  • 睡眠问题
  • 癫痫发作
  • 对噪音和光线敏感


Our neurologists provide a range of therapies for traumatic brain injuries and concussions, 包括:  

简单的认知行为疗法: Working with a therapist short-term after head trauma has been shown to reduce the severity of TBI symptoms. A therapist can also help children and adolescents work through anxiety or depression after a brain injury.

饮食的变化: Children may work with a dietitian to follow an eating plan that helps improve brain function after a TBI. Eating enough nutrient-dense calories is crucial for brain function, 清晰的思维和受伤后的愈合.

药物管理: Our neurologists may prescribe medications to decrease pain, reduce the risk of blood clots or manage side effects of TBI.  

职业疗法: An occupational therapist helps improve fine motor skills and skills for completing daily tasks.

物理治疗: A physical therapist helps children increase strength and restore their physical fitness after a traumatic brain injury.

前庭疗法: This specialized form of physical therapy helps children improve balance and reduce dizziness.


Our specialists offer comprehensive treatment for children with traumatic brain injuries. We participate in national trials that enable us to continually improve care. Children benefit from our research-driven, compassionate approach.


Sue Yudovin,注册护士,注册护士,注册会计师

Nurse Practitioner, Specialized in Sports Concussion and TBI

Talin babigian博士,ABPP

Clinical Neuropsychologist, Specialized in Sports Concussion and TBI






呼叫 310-825-0867 to request an appointment with a concussion or TBI specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


To learn more about concussion and TBI treatment in children, call 310-825-0867.