
Our comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program helps you improve your respiratory function with exercise, 教育和心理健康支持. We use research-based therapies to improve your health and quality of life.



The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pulmonary rehabilitation team helps people with chronic respiratory diseases improve their lung function. We offer individualized therapy plans that involve cardiovascular exercise, strength training and 教育 to help you get healthier and improve your quality of life.


以团队为基础的协调护理: Our multidiscplinary team includes respiratory therapists, 护士, 临床运动生理学家, 位肺脏, 和心理学家. We work closely with your referring provider to ensure you receive timely, coordinated care.  

创新和研究文化: We are constantly innovating and improving our care. 例如, we have incorporated new protocols into our treatment plans to better serve patients dealing with 长COVID. 作为学术健康系统的一部分, we are often among the first to adopt new treatments, sometimes even before they become available to the public.

专业服务: In addition to traditional pulmonary rehab, we offer specialized and unique services. 例如, we work with the Los Angeles (LA) Opera to incorporate breathing and vocal exercises into our program. Several volunteers from the LA Opera host online sessions with our patients, where they complete mindfulness and breathing exercises and sing together.


Pulmonary rehabilitation helps improve the quality of life for individuals with lung disease through supervised exercise classes, 教育, 以及社会心理支持. At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we use research-based therapies to improve our patients' health and quality of life. Our pulmonary rehabilitation team teaches patients to exercise with less shortness of breath and guides them in managing their lung condition.  As the American Association of Cardiovascular and 肺康复 (AACVPR) states, “肺康复 allows you to make the most of the limited lung function you have.” 


  • 增加运动耐受性 
  • Improve ability to handle activities of daily living 
  • 减少症状 
  • 减少焦虑和抑郁 


Pulmonary rehabilitation may be a treatment for patients with chronic respiratory disease or who have had a 肺移植. Chronic respiratory diseases affect your lungs and airways and may include:

  • 哮喘: A chronic condition in which your airways swell and narrow, making breathing more difficult
  • 支气管扩张: 气道扩张一种慢性疾病,受损的气道扩张, leading to mucus buildup and a higher risk of infection  
  • 慢性支气管炎: Chronic inflammation in the breathing tubes (bronchi), leading to repetitive severe coughing spells
  • 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD): A term for a group of diseases that interfere with breathing, 包括慢性支气管炎和肺气肿
  • 囊性纤维化: A genetic disease that causes mucus to thicken and block the airways, 导致慢性咳嗽, 喘息和反复肺部感染 
  • 肺气肿: A condition in which the lungs’ air sacs (alveoli) are damaged, 导致慢性咳嗽 and shortness of breath
  • 间质性肺病: A group of diseases that cause progressive lung scarring (fibrosis), leading to shortness of breath or a chronic dry cough
  • 长COVID: Lung damage or other problems that occur after a COVID-19 infection, often causing shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • 肺纤维化: A condition in which lung tissue thickens, leading to chronic shortness of breath
  • 肺动脉高压: High blood pressure in the blood vessels (pulmonary arteries) that send blood from the heart to the lungs


Pulmonary rehabilitation sessions typically occur twice a week. The structure of your sessions is personalized based on a comprehensive assessment of your overall medical condition and personal goals. 典型的会话包括:

练习: 你可以用健身车, treadmill or other cardiorespiratory equipment while attached to a device that monitors your oxygen saturation.  A respiratory therapist gives you real-time feedback and tips to improve your breathing while exercising. Supplemental oxygen may be used if needed to maintain an adequate saturation level while exercising.

力量训练: 你将徒手工作, 腿, and core strengthening exercises either with or without weights, 在治疗师的指导下.

伸展运动: The session concludes with stretching, 在治疗师的指导下.

教育: 锻炼结束后, the team will provide 教育 on topics that commonly affect people with respiratory diseases. 例如, 我们可能会检查吸入器的正确使用, 抿嘴呼吸练习, best practices for clearing secretions or tips for using external oxygen.

心理学筛选: You meet with a psychologist who screens for any mental health concerns, 包括焦虑和抑郁. 如果你需要额外的支持, the psychologist can offer counseling and other recommendations for treatment.


我们的团队包括呼吸治疗师, 护士, 临床运动生理学家, 位肺脏, 和心理学家 who work closely with each other and you to create personalized, 有效的护理计划. We use the most up-to-date approaches to help you increase your pulmonary function. We work closely with your referring provider to ensure you receive timely, coordinated care.


呼叫 310-825-0014 to schedule an appointment for pulmonary rehabilitation at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We continually enhance our care based on the latest research and best practices. 呼叫 310-825-0014 to learn more about pulmonary rehabilitation at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.