
Our ophthalmologists and optometrists offer specialized testing and treatment for patients with dry eye. We tailor all therapies to your individual needs.



The specialists in the 干眼 Center provide advanced care for patients with dry eyes. If you have symptoms of dry eye, seek treatment early. Our ophthalmologists and optometrists can help reduce symptom severity and improve your quality of life.


量身定制的治疗: Our specialists spend time with each patient to understand their needs before creating a treatment plan. We tailor each care plan to your needs, preferences and goals. 

综合测试: We complete an in-depth assessment to make an accurate diagnosis, 包括详细的成像, 撕裂样品和表面染料. Comprehensive testing helps us formulate effective treatment plans.   

研究护理: As part of an academic center, our specialists continually study new tools and treatments. This research focus allows us to offer our patients evidence-based treatment options. Some patients may be eligible to participate in clinical trials.


Dry eye is a condition in which the eyes don’t stay lubricated. Your eyes may not produce enough tears, or they may produce poor-quality tears. In dry eye syndrome, your eyes may sting, burn or feel scratchy.


眼表疾病 includes dry eye and several other conditions that affect the cornea, 包括:

接触角膜病: Damage to the outer layer of eye tissue (cornea) typically caused by eyelids not closing all the way

角膜结膜炎新铸的卢比: Dry eye that occurs when tears aren't able to provide adequate moisture

眼睑畸形: 任何导致眼睑不规则的情况, 包括下垂, colobomas (a condition that causes a black notch in your pupil) or lid retraction

睑板腺功能障碍: A condition in which the oil glands that line the eyelids (meibomian glands) don’t produce enough oil to keep tears from evaporating

神经营养角膜炎: A degenerative corneal disease in which the nerves that carry signals to the cornea don’t function properly and create a dry surface


Our specialists treat patients who have conditions that cause dry eye. We partner with your referring or primary care provider to comprehensively treat conditions such as:

移植物抗宿主病: A complication of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant in which the donor cells attack the recipient’s body

干燥综合征: An immune system disorder characterized by dry eye and dry mouth

史蒂夫·约翰逊综合症: A rare disorder that affects the skin and mucous membranes, causing a severe and potentially life-threatening skin reaction


When you come to the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 干眼 Center, you will receive a full diagnostic workup. You’ll need to avoid using eye drops for at least two hours before your appointment and refrain from wearing eye makeup. 在测试过程中,我们可以:

  • Take high-resolution pictures of your lacrimal (tear) glands and meibomian glands that secrete oil
  • Measure tear volume and breakup time, how long it takes tears to evaporate after you blink
  • Evaluate tear film for osmolarity, the amount of salt in your tears
  • Look for areas of damage on your eye’s surface that could lead to excessive dryness or poor tear flow
  • 检查是否有高浓度的MMP-9, a protein in the lower eyelid lining that indicates inflammation, 一种常见的干眼症状

Depending on your test results, your treatment plan may include:

充液隐形眼镜: Wearing lenses with fluid-filled chambers increases lubrication in the eyes and reduces dry eye symptoms. 

药物滴眼液: Prescription eye drops can lower inflammation that leads to dry eye and increase lubrication.

自体血清撕裂: The doctor takes a sample of the patient’s blood and spins it to separate a blood component called blood serum. Then they dilute it with sterile saline to create eye drops. These drops are a tear replacement that helps heal the outer layer of cells in the eye.

睑板腺表达: The doctor applies gentle pressure to the eyelids to release oil buildup in the meibomian glands, the oil glands that run along the edges of the eyelids.

BlephEx®: This in-office treatment uses a small device to carefully and gently remove debris from the edge of the eyelids.

强脉冲光(IPL): This in-office treatment uses light therapy to reduce eye inflammation.

LipiFlow®: This in-office treatment uses gentle heat to remove blockages in clogged oil glands.

TearCare®: This in-office treatment uses gentle heat to release oil buildup in the meibomian glands.


Our eye doctors are experts in diagnosing and treating dry eye and related conditions. We use sophisticated tools to make an accurate diagnosis, and we offer an array of treatment options.


呼叫 310-206-6351 to request an appointment with a dry eye specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


To learn more about the 干眼 Center and the treatments we offer, call 310-206-6351.