
我们的GI专家齐心协力,提供以患者为中心的护理. Combining diet, lifestyle and behavioral therapies, we help you feel better and live healthier.



通过我们全面的服务, we offer therapies and plans to help you reach your digestive wellness goals. 我们课程的亮点包括:

整体分析: 除了负责照顾你的胃肠病学家, other team members include GI dietitians with special expertise in digestive health and a GI nurse practitioner with experience in the brain-gut axis and mind body approaches. Your GI health psychologist specializes in the use of proven psychological strategies to reduce symptoms and better manage disease. 在一起, our specialists strive to achieve the best possible outcomes not only for your digestive health, 也是为了你的整体健康.

关注大脑-肠道和身心的联系: Our team understands the strong connection between the brain and the gut. 我们使用经过验证的疗法, 包括营养指导, 冥想, 正念, 直觉导向的认知行为疗法和催眠疗法, 改善脑肠沟通.

个性化护理计划: We recognize the importance of not simply treating the digestive tract but looking at the whole person and developing a comprehensive approach that is best for you.


At the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 综合消化健康和保健 Program, we specialize in integrative health practices to help people with gastrointestinal disorders. It’s no accident that people talk about their “gut feelings” or “gut instincts.” The brain and the gut are in constant communication and play a major role in supporting healthy digestive functions.

Having chronic digestive symptoms can affect mental and physical health, just as stress and intense emotions can cause or worsen GI symptoms. 我们的治疗方法同时针对大脑和肠道. 我们的服务包括:


The integrative nurse practitioner has extensive experience in brain-gut research and caring for people with digestive disorders. 在初步评估中, you will learn about the brain-gut connection and how factors such as sleep, exercise and stress all play an important role in digestive health. 除了解决你的症状, 你将学习影响消化系统健康的生活方式行为, and you will practice skills supported by research to improve symptoms and help you manage stress.

The knowledge and skills you receive will help you feel empowered to live with more ease.
Your team creates a care plan based on your individual needs and lifestyle.


芳香疗法: 从薰衣草等植物中提取的精油, 薄荷, 柠檬和姜能促进身心健康.

横隔膜呼吸: This kind of slow breathing stimulates the vagus nerve (the nerve that connects the brain to the digestive tract) and activates the “rest and digest” nervous system.

正念的干预措施: These techniques teach you to be aware of the relationship between physical sensations, 思维模式和情绪. We work with you to acknowledge your symptoms and learn skills to respond to them, 从而更好地控制症状和压力.

放松训练: 这些技巧可以减少精神和身体的压力和紧张, 平衡神经系统,提高幸福感.

自我同情: We teach you how to respond to yourself with kindness in the face of difficulty or discomfort.


Our specially trained GI health psychologist offers a proactive approach to care, focusing on enhancing psychological resources to optimize digestive wellness and strengthen resilience to stress. Living with chronic and unpredictable digestive symptoms can affect daily life. Digestive issues can increase stress levels and interfere with meaningful activities that support wellness.

Many patients also experience a range of emotions that are associated with a digestive condition. Our GI health psychologist is specialized in the use of behavioral treatments that influence the brain-gut connection to reduce symptom severity and enhance quality of life. This whole-person approach embraces the interconnected relationship between digestive and emotional health.


接受与承诺疗法(ACT): This therapy teaches skills that improve how you respond to uncomfortable thoughts, 感觉和胃肠道症状. ACT can  enhance quality of life and reduce emotional suffering in the setting of digestive symptoms.

认知行为疗法: CBT uses skill-based strategies to identify and modify thought patterns and behaviors that may amplify stress or interfere with symptom management. CBT provides tools to enhance coping skills and problem-solving techniques to reduce symptoms and stress related to symptoms.

应对支持: 我们与您一起工作,帮助您应对和适应诊断. Our team offers support for  the emotional challenges associated with digestive issues.

促进消化系统健康的医学催眠: This practice uses deep relaxation techniques combined with soothing images and verbal suggestions. We use hypnosis to calm the digestive system and relieve digestive symptoms.


Our specialized GI dietitians help you continue to enjoy the pleasures of eating while managing digestive symptoms. We create personalized diet and supplement recommendations based on symptoms and diagnoses. 了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康GI营养.   


Our team has experience with a wide range of GI disorders and symptoms. 这些包括:

食管疾病, including achalasia, 胃酸倒流, Barrett's esophagus, dysphagia and esophageal cancer

炎性肠病(IBD) 包括克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎

肠易激综合症(IBS) 以及其他肠脑相互作用紊乱, 比如功能性消化不良, 腹胀腹胀

运动性疾病, a range of conditions that affect the movement of the digestive tract, 如胃轻瘫, 沉思, 胃酸倒流, 还有吞咽困难


  • 腹部肿胀
  • 腹部疼痛
  • 打嗝
  • 便秘
  • 腹泻
  • 气体
  • 恶心想吐
  • 呕吐


我们的胃肠道专家营养师团队, 胃肠道心理学家, and an integrative health nurse practitioner are research and clinical leaders in the brain-gut centered approach to digestive disorders. 在一起, we partner with your gastroenterologist to identify the best approach to improve your digestive health and overall well-being.


与我们联系: 310-825-2631 了解更多信息.


我们的团队为胃肠道疾病患者提供全面护理. 我们通过广泛的饮食来提高您的整体健康, 行为和综合健康实践. 请致电 310-825-2631 与专家联系.