
我们的专家为所有年龄段的儿童和成人提供全方位的听力学服务. We offer comprehensive screening services, accurate diagnostics and effective treatments for hearing loss.

Young man with hearing aids
A doctor with a face shield and mask discussing with a masked patient.

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for audiology services?

As leaders in audiology, our experts deliver outstanding care to babies, children and adults with hearing loss. You receive tailored audiology testing, 专业团队的诊断评估、治疗和世界级护理. Highlights of our program include:

Coordination and teamwork: To streamline care and deliver comprehensive treatments, 我们的听力学医生和专业人员与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心各皇冠hga025的专家进行沟通. We work closely with otologists, pediatricians and primary care doctors to provide individualized care.

Convenience and accessibility: We’re committed to delivering quality, accessible care. Interpreters are available for nearly every non-英语 language. We also offer remote visits for select services.

Expertise in cochlear implants: Our cochlear implant program is one of the largest in California. 自1997年以来,我们已经为数百名婴儿、儿童和所有年龄段的成年人提供了植入物. 全国各地的专家都认为我们是人工耳蜗手术和护理方面的专家.

以病人为中心的护理:  作为您在医疗保健领域的合作伙伴,我们致力于寻找最适合您的治疗方法. Our team customizes each treatment plan specifically for each patient.

选择范围广: 我们很自豪能提供最全面的助听器选择之一. 您可以选择许多不同的制造商,类型和功能,在所有的价格点. 我们的专家会解释每种选择,并与您一起找到适合您预算的选择, 生活方式和需求. We also offer a range of programs and services, from hearing-loss prevention to education and support.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 audiologists offer the full spectrum of care, from screening and hearing-loss prevention to treatments and support. 我们的听力学专业人员照顾新生儿,儿童和所有年龄段的成年人. 我们专注于早期干预和量身定制的治疗,以确保最好的结果. 我们的服务包括:

Newborn hearing screenings and treatments

Our team offers comprehensive hearing care for newborns and infants. 如果后续预约是必要的,我们提供进一步的评估和诊断. Our experts work seamlessly with each baby’s primary care physician, as well as specialists in genetics, otology and speech pathology to deliver thorough care. 我们非常擅长为最年轻的病人提供量身定制的治疗.

我们与您的孩子和您的整个家庭合作,帮助您从治疗中获得最大的收益,并在此过程中为您提供支持. Through education and family counseling, 我们教你如何使用孩子的听力设备和/或辅助听力设备. 我们还与您一起鼓励您孩子的语言和语言发展, improve their communication skills and help them reach important milestones.

Evaluations and treatments for children

Our audiologists specialize in helping children with chronic ear infections, speech delays and hearing loss from a wide range of causes. 我们提供有效的治疗,并随着孩子的成长和需求的变化进行调整. 我们的团队与您孩子的发育儿科医生和语言病理学家合作,提供出色的护理.

Advanced care for teenagers and adults

我们进行全面的评估,以确定听力损失的程度和原因. Our audiology experts offer the latest treatments, including digital hearing aids and cochlear implants. You’ll receive effective treatments and support in a compassionate environment.


We focus on early intervention and prevention. 我们的专家为听力损失风险较高的儿童和成人提供咨询和定制预防计划. 我们与音乐家和在嘈杂环境中工作的人有丰富的合作经验. 我们提供教育,意识和定制耳塞,以帮助预防听力损失和耳聋.

Hearing loss conditions we treat

更多的 than 37 million adults in the United States have some difficulty hearing. About 3 in 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康听力学家有治疗多种原因导致的听力损失的经验, 包括:

  • Chronic ear infections in children
  • 先天性(出生时)听力损失,这是最常见的儿童先天性疾病
  • Craniofacial disorders, including Treacher Collins syndrome
  • Genetic disorders, such as Waardenburg syndrome
  • Infection and illness, such as Meniere’s disease
  • 噪声暴露
  • 正常老化过程
  • Trauma and damage to the ear

Hearing loss treatments we offer

Our audiology experts individualize each treatment to fit your needs. 我们关心fully consider your age, 生活方式和目标, and work closely with you and your family to determine the best plan. In addition to treatments, 我们教育您和您的家人有关听力损失和影响听力的情况. We support you throughout your treatment at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.
Treatments we offer include:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校听力学诊所从听力行业的顶级制造商配发专业适合的助听器.  其中包括数字, 无线和可充电助听器,具有连接和流媒体等附加功能.  为所有患者提供个人咨询,以帮助他们选择合适的器械.  基于证据的实践被用于编程助听器以优化语音清晰度.


人工耳蜗是一种通过外科手术植入的装置,它可以刺激耳朵里的神经来恢复听力. 我们的听力学家在手术前、手术中和手术后与头颈外科医生密切合作. Prior to surgery, we meet with you to review your needs. 我们一起讨论您的目标,并决定使用最合适的种植体类型.

After the surgeon places 植入物 during an outpatient procedure, our experienced audiologists turn on, 或激活, 植入物. 我们在一个叫做“映射”的互动过程中对植入物进行编程并调整声音.在这个过程中, 我们利用您(或您孩子)的反馈来优化植入物的效果,让您听到一系列的声音.

We have experience delivering cochlear implants to patients of all ages, from under age 1 to 100 years. 我们的许多病人一只耳朵植入了人工耳蜗,另一只耳朵戴了助听器. Advanced technology allows the two devices to communicate with each other, improving the overall hearing experience.

Bone-anchored hearing systems

For some people, a hearing aid or cochlear implant may not be an option. As leaders in audiology, we specialize in bone-anchored hearing systems. 这些设备可以帮助患有耳朵畸形或单耳耳聋的儿童和成人.

骨锚式听力系统通过颅骨向内耳发送振动来帮助您或您的孩子听到声音. We offer bone-anchored devices that can be worn with a headband. We also implant the devices surgically.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的听觉康复中心帮助拥有各种设备的人们更好地听到声音,更有效地理解声音. 我们的专家提供了几种训练大脑使用新设备进行听力的方案, such as a cochlear implant. 这些程序教你的大脑如何使用它接收到的听觉信息. It takes time to learn how to hear with these devices. 我们的专家在您身边,确保您从听力损失治疗中获得最大的收益.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 audiologists educate, empower and support you and your family. 我们的综合护理方法包括课程、研讨会和信息会议. We also connect you with other resources, including teachers of the deaf. 通过支持小组,你和你的家人可以向别人学习,分享你的经历. 我们提供:

  • Education and awareness about accessing available treatments and services
  • 帮助失聪人士与听障人士沟通的策略和技巧
  • Tips to enhance the effectiveness of your hearing aid, 耳蜗植入或骨固定装置,并适应它更快
  • Ways to cope with hearing loss


我们的听力学专家团队包括专门从事听力损失最新治疗的听力学家. We work closely with otologists, developmental pediatricians, speech-language pathologists and head and neck surgeons to deliver tailored, 全面的护理.


Our highly skilled audiologists provide outstanding hearing care for all ages. 呼叫 310-825-5721 to connect with an expert.


Our highly skilled audiologists are here to provide outstanding care. 呼叫 310-825-5721 to connect with an expert.