Clinical Nutrition

Driven by the philosophy that food is medicine, we use nutrition to prevent, treat and manage a variety of health conditions.

Dietitian holding an apple, nutrition expert

UCLA Health Approach to Clinical Nutrition

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校人类营养中心站在临床实践和营养研究的最前沿. 我们提供个性化的营养护理,并专注于帮助您了解营养如何影响您的健康. 我们的服务理念是食物是一种强大的药物.

At our center, you’ll find:

Personalized nutrition: Partnering with you, we tailor care to your unique needs. 我们会评估影响你健康的背景、代谢、社会和行为因素. 然后,我们的团队提供定制的营养指导和运动计划,以实现您的目标.

Medical and nutrition experts: 我们的团队包括在营养方面受过额外培训的专业营养师和医生. 我们还有心理学家和护士在整个护理过程中为您提供支持.

Empowering resources: While your health depends partially on your genes, your nutrition and exercise play an even more significant role. 我们为您提供资源和知识来控制您的健康,过上充实、积极的生活. 我们的医生和营养师提供一对一的咨询和小组课程, both in-person and virtually.

Advanced, specialized programs: We have several focused services, such as clinical nutrition for cancer, medical weight management, metabolic diseases. 我们是国内为数不多的提供管饲(肠内营养)和全肠外营养(TPN)门诊营养服务的卫生系统之一.

Attentive care: 我们密切关注您的健康状况,并通过我们的患者门户网站myUCLAhealth与您皇冠hga025. 你可以把你的饮食摄入量和身体活动上传到myUCLAhealth或移动应用程序MyChart上. 任何有关的变化或数据提醒我们的团队立即与您联系.

Conditions Our Clinical Nutrition Team Treats

我们的专家了解营养如何帮助管理健康问题, and how health problems affect your nutritional needs. Our team cares for people with a range of conditions, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Low body weight or muscle mass
  • 代谢性疾病,如糖尿病、高血压和高胆固醇
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, including tube feeding or TPN
  • Obesity and weight gain
  • Women’s health including nutrition during and after pregnancy, during menopause and with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Our Clinical Nutrition Services

我们的专家以食物为药,帮助预防长期慢性疾病. 正确的食物可以降低你患病的风险,延长你的寿命. 我们也用食物来帮助治疗现有的疾病,改善你的整体健康. 我们提供各种服务和计划,帮助您实现最健康的自我.

Clinical Nutrition Clinic

在我们的临床营养诊所,我们为各种关注提供一对一的营养咨询. Our nutrition plans may include phytonutrient-rich plants, quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and supplements to support your health.

Weight management programs

关于体重的话题通常围绕卡路里摄入量和身体活动展开. But weight also depends on many other factors, such as:

  • Environment
  • Food quality
  • Genetics
  • 肠道微生物群(肠道中有助于消化和免疫的微生物)
  • Hormones
  • Sleep
  • Stress and mood

在帮助你控制体重时,我们会考虑所有这些因素. Our specialized services include:

Cancer prevention diet and nutrition for cancer patients

我们专注于癌症营养,以帮助预防癌症和改善治疗期间的生活质量. 我们会评估你目前的饮食,并建议改变你的饮食,以降低你患癌症的总体风险.

我们的团队还为您提供营养指导,帮助您了解我们的癌症治疗 Santa Monica Cancer Care clinic. 我们会在治疗期间寻找方法来改善你的症状,保持你的体重和肌肉质量.

Outpatient nutrition for tube feeding or TPN

Our physicians, 当你不能用嘴进食时,营养师和护士专家会密切合作,优化你的营养. 我们的团队照顾那些因各种原因需要管饲或TPN的人, such as cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.

Inpatient nutrition

We often provide nutrition services during your hospital stay. Our specialists offer support for:

Bariatric (weight loss) surgery: We see you immediately after bariatric surgery to manage your diet and medications.

Transplant qualification: 我们的专家在医院里提供减肥方案,帮助你符合移植的条件.

Tube feeding or TPN: 我们通过管饲或TPN优化您的营养和舒适度. 我们的团队确保您从医院顺利过渡到家庭.

Leading-edge nutrition research

We offer eligible patients the latest care options through our research and clinical trials. 我们的研究极大地促进了我们对减肥药的理解. 我们继续开发新的减肥疗法,优化营养的使用,以保持良好的健康.

We are one of five U.S. 参与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)倡议的精确健康营养中心. 该计划旨在利用人工智能(AI)帮助我们预测哪种营养最有益. Using AI, we hope to match people’s genetics, 生物学和健康需求,正确的食物,高度个性化的护理.

Clinical Nutrition Treatments We Offer

我们的专家提供全方位的营养治疗,以支持您的健康和健康. 我们专注于长期和一致的治疗,以获得持久的效果. Depending on your needs, we may provide:

  • Comprehensive nutrition plans
  • Lifestyle interventions
  • 与医生或营养师进行一对一或小组营养咨询
  • Psychologist-led group counseling

Weight loss treatment

减肥药可以帮助你达到并维持体重. 我们的团队在您的减肥过程中提供药物治疗并监测您的健康状况.

如果您选择减肥手术,我们也会与减肥外科医生密切合作. 我们帮助您在手术前后满足您的营养需求和目标,使您体验到长期的减肥效果.

Meet Our Team

我们的专家包括医生(内分泌学家和医院医生), dieticians, psychologists and nurses who specialize in nutrition. 您可以依靠我们的循证护理团队,帮助您最大限度地保持健康并实现您的目标.

Contact Us

Call 310-825-7921 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的临床营养专家. To reach the Medical Weight Management Program, please call 310-825-8173.

Find your care

我们的专家帮助您预防和管理健康状况,并满足您的个性化目标, expert nutritional care. For help finding clinical nutrition care, call 310-825-7921. To reach the Medical Weight Management Program, please call 310-825-8173.